Tagged ~2~

33 2 4

I was tagged again. The first one is in one of my stories. I dunno which one though. Anyway, 21 facts about meh. Tagged by Dis_DUDE.

1. I hate being tagged.

2. I am tomboy-ish.

3. Being insulted amuses me. But don't you dare insult anyone else.

4. This is my favorite number.

5. Overwatch is slowly taking over my life.

6. I love these games:
Assassin's Creed (whole franchise)
Fallout 4
Yandere Simulator
Witcher 3
Resident Evil (all but especially 7)

7. I am not very social in real life.

8. I love helping peeps out. Unfortunately, I end up doing the opposite.

9. I am demisexual.

10. I do not know how to ride a bike. Help me. Four year olds are beating me.

11. I love to chat as long as it's online. I do not bite, promise. I don't tell secrets either. Doing that goes against everything I do.

12. I have very exotic tastes. Like, I would eat insects, cow's tongue, pork blood, and other weird things, but I really don't eat a lot of normal stuff like ham, hotdogs, ketchup, mayo... yeah.

13. I have rejected about 3 guys in my life. All with the same line, "Nice try."

14. I am a weapon enthusiast especially blades.

15. I tend to poke cacti when I'm bored. Is that weird?


17. I hate being on camera. Whether it's a picture, a video, or even just hovering a camera on me will make me panic. I WILL RUN.

18. I am a dog person. Woof.

19. I am running out of things to say (type?).

20. I will be honest. People. Do not hate me for this, please. I dom't support LGBT nor do I hate it. I'm okay with it, but I don't go "Whoo! Pride!" (Sorry if that was offensive. I can't think of any other way to explain it. It's 2 am.)

21. (Finally.) I am an old soul who can use a computer really well. Like being able to code well.

That.... was annoyingly hard to do. No tags. Be free peeps.

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