Update ii

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Hey, it's Niiko. Just giving an update on Phoenie's recovery. (If you can say recovery.)

Sorry if I'm not as formal or as good with words as Nath or Phoenie. I'm not a writer.

So Phoenie's been doing better I think. She's gotten back to writing a little, and she's starting to get back into her normal mood. Still doesn't sleep soundly, but I guess she can't help it. She doesn't exactly have good sleep most of the time. Phoenie's also back to hugging people a lot and cuddling Nath, so that's a thing.

We've told her about the things everyone sent, and she had a tantrum about not being able to answer you guys without touching Wattpad. She did say she wanted to thank all of you, and give you "buns" a hug. I swear I saw tears in her eyes.

Phoenie's always been quick to recover from emotional stuff, but it does take a while to be able to get through her mental blocks. She said she'll be coming back to Wattpad soon enough, so that's good.

That Cassie girl hasn't done anything too bad after we muted her. I think she gave up? Maybe not? Either way, it's good that she shut her mouth.

Well, I'm out of things to update you guys about. Feel free to ask questions. Adios.

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