I'm Back

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Hiya!!!! I'm back!

For everyone who sent me messages and for everyone who was concerned, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You don't know how much I loved reading what you guys said. I haven't cried tears of joy in the longest time. I really REALLY appreciate everyone's concern. I've never felt so excited to be active again. Thank youuuu!

And I'm sorry. Sorry I left and also for dragging people into my mess. That was unnecessary drama. If she insulted any of you, or treated you badly, I'm really sorry. I know it wasn't wrong for me to say something was up, I regret talking about that girl. If I hadn't, she wouldn't have shown up in public. I regret having any of you insulted by her. None of you deserved that.

I'm glad she's gone, but I do wish she finds a way to learn how to treat others. I don't want her harrassing other people. And this isn't just for others. As unbelievable as it sounds, she's still a person, and being attacked like that won't do good in the long run. She better learn. Hopefully she does.

I still have a major writing and artist's block at the moment. I'm still not sure if I want to reply to our roleplays yet. I wouldn't make good replies if I force myself to write. I'm going to make sure I can write satisfactory replies before I reply to anyone. I'm sorry for the wait.

I'm also going to start working on my books. They've been left to collect dust, and I'm really feeling bad.

For now, I'll be working on my writer's block and healing a little bit more.

Thanks again for everyone who helped. You guys are really cool. I love you all. *huggles*

(I'm making you all a little gift, so be sure to comment what color out of these you like the most: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Blue, and Green)

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