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Ok. This was the very first thing I was tagged on. I was just too lazy to do it, but like they say, better late than never. So here it is. Tagged by Reign_Is_Over.

Nickname: Phoenie/Zombird/Phoebs
Eye color: A really REALLY dark brown
Hair Color: Black with a white streak. It's a condition.
One fact about myself: I am an absolute nerd on weapons. Blades mostly.
Favorite color: White. If people don't consider that a color (in which I've met many) then silver. If that's not a color either, orange.
Favorite Place: W-what? Are people supposed to have one? Um... in the hut out on our field I guess. It's really peaceful there.
Favorite Celebrities: I'm not actually too into celebrities and all that. I really don't know... Those comedic people I guess. Maybe Jackie Chan, Kevin Hart, Ryan Reynolds, those kinds of guys. Wait, do voice actors count? In that case, Matthew Mercer then. If youtubers count too, Markiplier takes the cake.
Favorite animal: That is hard. Owls, dogs, whales, wolves, most white furry animals, foxes, seals... the list goes on.
Favorite song: Again, a very hard question. Most Hamilton songs, a lot of play songs, anime openings (cuz why not), there's really too many to mention. Gomen.
Favorite book:... a lot. Again. Harry Potter books, A Darker Shade of Magic... I can't do this anymore. I'm tired.
Tagged people:
I'm not gonna continue this chain. Live free people!

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