Tagged agern

18 4 0

Tagged by a great buddy and author, Fantasies_Escape. Not too interesting though.

One fact about you:
Um... If it's gonna be one fact, I might as well make it important. I am highly sensitive. I don't know if I can call it hypersensitivity, but either way. That's why I hate it when people touch the chair I'm sitting on, I notice the smallest things from the corner of my eye, and I know whose footsteps are whose. Seriously.

Favorite Color:
White. Just white. If there's a specific color of white, maybe the white of a high grade notebook. The kind of brownish/yellowish one? Yah.

Harry Potter or Hunger Games?
HARRY POTTER FOR LAIF. It's like one of my fandoms. I've honestly never read the Hunger Games, and I don't really plan to. So yeah. HARRY POTTER. (I'm a Hufflepuff!)

Favorite food:
Macarons! A luxury I can't afford. Like at all. I can only eat that once a year. But I love all foods. Except really oily or fatty ones.

Phoenie, Nixi, Phoebe, Phoe, Phoenix, Oddo, Auto, Phoefi and Phiri. I don't know how people got to call me Phiri, buuuut eh.

How long have you had your account?
(In an english nobleman's voice) According to Wattpad, I have been trapped for 7 months from May 28, 2017.

Fanboy or Fangirl?
If you're asking what my gender is, it's Fangirl.

Favorite animal
White animals like foxes, wolves, owls, PUPPIES and DOGS! I also like chinchillas. (>ᴗ<)

Hair color:
Black. Except for the one streak of white because of my poliosis.

Current read:
If this means a book from Wattpad, then there are too many to name. If it means actual tangible books, I'm starting a new book called Everyday. I just finished another book like... four days ago?


Good luck! This is my first time tagging, soooo... yah! Feel free not to do this. You don't need to! Okee! Kiao pao!

=Slice of Pie=Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя