I did a thing....

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As a class project for arts class, we were split into groups. We were tasked to make a stop-motion video of 30 seconds to one minute.

This is what happened.

The video turned out pretty good for being my first time making a stop-motion vid. I was actually the only one "experienced" with making these sorts of things. Not exactly experienced, but rather knowledgable. I do want to become an animator, so it makes sense. My group mates were great too! I didn't have the right editing software but luckily, my group member did.

I was the one who drew the stuff and planned, basically directing the thing. But I wouldn't have been able to finish it without my two other group mates.

So. Yeah. I did this thing and uploaded it to youtube. It's not gonna reach anything, that's for sure. I just wanted to try uploading something to youtube. Now I know the basics. Maybe when I get a computer compatible to my drawing pad, I'll be studying digital animation.

Welp. This note was boring.

Kiao Pao!

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