Chapter Two

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It was really starting to get to Error.

Ink hadn't been around to battle him after he destroyed several AUs. He hadn't seen the skeletons in their respective AUs. His schedule was falling apart.

He just wanted it to stop.

A few hours ago, Error had taken hold of an Underfell timeline, imprisoning the human SOUL and destroying Flowey so that nothing could RESET. After destroying the inhabitants and their dust, Error sat on a bench and stared off into the distance.

He wasn't going to destroy any more than he had to. 160 AUs would do for now. There was no need to settle the Balance further. He was exhausted, the strain of magical exertion pressing down on his bones. He wanted to sleep so badly, but he knew he wasn't allowed.

The Voices had made that clear all those years ago.

That's when a new AU pinged on his radar.

Standing up, Error shattered the human SOUL floating in the container, allowing the world to RESET as he left.

"whY? WhY dO yOu keEp CreaTiNG, inKY? LiSTen tO yoUR OwN voIcES."

Error paused.

"waIt. yOU dOn't HaVe tHEm. I FoRGot."

His grin slackened as he finally exited the portal to the  new AU.

It was empty. There was literally nothing there. No grass. No snow. No Monsters.

That was strange, considering this place was the same place where Snowdin usually was for every AU...

What was the Creator up to?

A sudden crack of foreign magic had Error flinching, bones glitching hard. Four Gaster Blasters summoned around him, pointing in the cardinal directions and ready to fire at any given moment.

But there was no attack.

Error waited another few seconds before calling out for anyone he knew.

"iNky! COmE ouT!"

The Voices stirred again, making him grimace and ignore them. Not now, not when he was trying to do his job.

"wHeRE aRE yOu?!"

B u t   n o b o d y   c a m e.

The air began to smell a little weird. Not like usual. Error frowned, looking around as he dismissed his Blasters.

What was that?

The smell thickened. Error began coughing as it got in his nose, weakening his bones. He collapsed to his knees, one hand braced against the ground, the other clutching his neck.

Oh. Oh.

He knew what this was.

"goLDeN fLOwEr poISoN..." he wheezed out. "diDN't thInK yOU pAnSIes wOUlD aCtuAlly ToUch tHe stUfF. TOo LilY-liVeRed."

A portal opened. Ink stepped out, wearing a gas mask and a serious expression.

"Error, you understand why we had to do this, right?" he asked. Error's eyes narrowed, but he was too busy coughing to sort his ERRORs into legible words. Dust was beginning to leak from his mouth.

Not even Determination. Dust.

"You were going out of control, you kept destroying the AUs, the innocents!"

Good to know Ink still found the Fells to be innocent. And the Lusts and Tails.

Error had needed so much bleach that he had to clear out four different universes.


"You still aren't dusted..."

The remark made Error glance up sharply. Was he not supposed to still be alive after a few doses of this?

They should really go talk to Nightmare about poisoning him. Get his advice. That one time that Nightmare had injected Concentrated Golden Flower Poison into his SOUL had been torturous.

"I guess we'll have to go for a more hands-on approach." More portals opened, the skeletons from every universe Error could think of off the top of his head pouring out.

They were ready to fight.

They really hate me that much.

Error only wished he could forget what came next.


When he had an opening, Error pulled his magic together into a haphazard portal that took him to the Anti-Void. His shorts fell off his thinned form, jacket following not soon after. Error groaned, glad his shirt had still stayed on and was long enough to cover his pelvis.

Grabbing his broken knitting needles and glasses, Error closed his eyes and contemplated his options.

Well, option. There was only one thing he could do now.

Get rid of himself. Succeed where the others had failed. The only way to do that was to do something with a chance of certain death.

Like entering an portal with no destination.

It would basically be the same as shattering across time and space -- that had gotten rid of Gaster, it could get rid of him too, right?

Error stuck his hand out to the side, created a portal under his feet and




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