Chapter Seven

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When Error came to, he was not in the Anti-Void.

It put him on "danger mode" immediately. Error tensed slightly, pulling the magic in his SOUL into his hands, ready to summon his Gaster Blasters. When nothing immediately attacked him, he slowly relaxed, letting the magic fall from his fingers and sitting up in the bed he had been placed on.

Everything was white.

Not the complete white that was the Anti-Void, but white tinged with blue, almost imitating snow. Error's mind instantly conjured up a memory of an "Original" Snowdin. The temperature matched, cold air blowing through the open window on the far side of the room.

The open window.

Error's eyesockets narrowed as he conjured a Gaster Blaster, shortcutting out of the bed and arming his other hand with a sharp edged bone staff. Scurrying towards the wall the window was situated on, Error flattened himself against it and waited. His Blaster positioned itself above the window, jaws open and ready to fire the brand of magic Error shared with it down.

Someone had left the window open for easy access. Someone who wasn't going to come through the door. Nobody didn't just come through the door — Error had been informed that's not how things went.

The only people who came through windows were killers, and Error did not want to have to deal with someone stabbing hm through the SOUL again.

Error didn't have to wait long before Void's head popped into view. His grip tightened around the bone staff as he brought his fingers closer together in readiness to snap, the cue for the Blaster to fire.

Then Void sighed, dropping down until their fingers were the only part of them in Error's line of sight before throwing a CinnaBun through the window.

"I'm not going to try and hurt you, Error," they stated, still not pulling themselves up. Error waited for a moment before slamming blue bones like bars into the window, darting forward and grabbing the CinnaBun. A quick CHECK revealed that it was almost identical in nature to the ones originating in Undertale #1, and poison/Retribution free. Glancing back at the window, Error noted that Void hadn't tried to break through the bones, instead choosing to sit on the thin ledge outside the window.

Well, they weren't trying to hurt him.

Error breathed out a sigh before waving a hand, allowing the bones to dissipate. The Blaster descended, putting its head under the ledge for Void to step onto. Void stared down at it curiously for a second before placing a hand flat on the black bone between the horns and flipping over it. Their skirt — a different one, white with grey lace patterns at the hem and waist that fell until their knees — flipped, revealing white shorts underneath. Void straightened it with a slight scowl, fixing it.


"Why not?" they countered, brushing hair away from their face. "Flips are fun."

Error's eyesockets narrowed. Void was dodging the question and they both knew it.

"i mEaN, whY dID'Nt yOu kILl mE?" Void straightened, face blanking. Error continued, "i'M a dEsTrOYEr, vOId."

Void held Error's gaze for a few moments before turning towards the window again, gesturing with their hand for him to follow.

"Put some clothes on, them follow me. There's someone you should meet before I answer that question, Error," Void murmured softly. "You'll understand then.

Then she leaped out of the window, white scarf trailing behind her.

Put some clothes on?

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