Chapter Six

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Warning: I did my best to write out a panic attack. If that screws with you, you should skip starting from it says [3Rr0R] and start reading again once the obnoxiously big gap in space happens.

Stay safe.



Error examined the space around him, eye sockets widening as different images swooped and twirled around him.

Every time he looked into an image, it was like watching something through a cracked window. Spiderwebs of black energy held shards of the image together, keeping them from falling to bits.


The skeleton looked up, seeing flashes of a white scarf. Shards were pulled from images, swirling together in something similar to a trash tornado before shattering into dust. The dust pulled together to form an image of Void, floating a little ways away.


"Yes." The image smiled briefly before jerking their head behind them. The black strands of hair fluttered in a breeze that wasn't felt, making Void smooth it back down.

"wHy AM i HeRE?"

Void's image smiled before they gestured for him to walk over.

He didn't.

Void made the gesture again.

He folded his arms.

Void materialized eyes so they could roll them before making a yanking motion. Error hissed as he was dragged through space.

"Error, I'm letting you in here so you can look at my memories and confirm I know you are not a Destroyer by choice. I see what you do in the Antivoid."

A snap of their fingers summoned a memory. Error winced in remembrance as the Error in the shattered image cried silently, arms wrapped around his knees and magic heavy in the space around him, burdened with resignation and loneliness.

"sToP," he said, voice tight. "stOP."

Void glanced at him and curled their left hand into a fist, desummoning the memory. Error sighed, rubbing wearily at an eye socket. The clack of bone on bone was the only sound for a while before he sighed again and spoke with weariness lining every word.

"i StILL desTrOY. yOu kNOw ThE Balance nEEds maInTAinEnCe."

Void smiled. It lit up their face, turning it into something different. Something softer. Error could see the kinder Frisks he knew shining from it.

"Not in this Multiverse. Give it a chance, and you'll see this place is more beautiful than you'd think."

(You're more beautiful than you think.)



The world warped around him. They both materialized in a place filled with color (your SOUL is such a pretty c o l o r ) he couldn't— he couldn't do this— Err0R eRr0R eRRoR

"Get me Blue! Quickly! Error, breathe in for four counts and breathe out for four counts. Breathe."

(c'mon, you can breathe for me, right?)

"Void? What's going on?"

His magic broke free, but Error didn't really note that as his eyesockets blew open wide, eyelights fuzzy and blurred out.

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