Chapter Ten

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Also, new character perspectives (yay!) but there's a lot of confusion with how one of them thinks (aww).... You might need to reread it, and if it gets too confusing, just shoot me a question. There's a reason why her memories are fragmented.

The other one... well...

She's a handful, that's for sure.

Fuck, there's so much work.



Error wasn't (isn't, won't be, is? universes warping too many at a time time time time is breaking) what Void expected.

Nothing really was (is).

Expectations were (are, will be) hard and unmanageable.

She sipped rosewater delicately from the porcelain teacup in her hands, watching (always watching, always watching) the events of several timelines play out before her at once. The future remained frustratingly blank (no point in that much power, Destiny) (who is-was-will-be Destiny?) as ever, but she saw (sees, k n o w s ) everything else. The past-present-might-have-beens.

"Void, you're zoning out again."

The real voice came almost like an echo (is-was either one really real?) that had Void glancing past her vision into the shine of Rattle's reading glasses.

"I guess I am," she agreed, taking another sip of rosewater. "I guess I am."

Rattles looked up at the repeated words, tilting his head towards her. He didn't close the book in his lap, though, Void notes with an amused almost-smile. He probably knew that verifying wouldn't take too long.

"Are you alright? I know that sometimes your sight isn't a good thing."

Void didn't respond for a second, eye sockets narrowing as she blinked through a couple images. Well, isn't-won't that (be) interesting?

"Yes, I believe so."

She paused.

"We might have someone knocking on the door soon. Dynamite is going to get a visitor. Also, if you wouldn't mind, could you help me locate Erratum? Her owner is here."

Rattles' head tilted, eyelights cycling through white and blue in an expression of excitement. Void watched with an amused smile. Rattles, while usually laid-back, could be rather easily excited if one knew what buttons to push.

"His owner's here? Finally!"

Void hummed, taking a final (careful with your words, Frisk) sip of rosewater before standing fluidly from the chair.

"Careful, when you meet him. There's a reason I chose Erratum for him — he isn't the traditional Sans."

She left the room, and when Rattles joined her, she didn't say anything else.


Right now? Chara was done.

"Put the knife down, mirror."

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