Chapter Five

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It was white in the Antivoid.

Just like normal.

Only, his work wasn't there.

Error stared blankly at the empty space in front of him, blinking a few times to make sure that he was, in fact, seeing it right.

Everything was gone.

His neck accessories (bandanas, scarves, ascots, etc.) for the Papyrus-equivalents that always got dropped off whenever he accidentally tore them, his finger puppets for the Chara-equivalents, his sculptures for the occasional Frisk-equivalent he stumbled upon.

All of them. Gone. Just like that. No evidence of them ever having existed. None.

Error took a deep breath, forcing down the fury rising in his ribcage. In, out. Push back, push away.

This was likely just Fate punishing him for trying to abandon his job. Placing a hand over his face with a distinct clack of bone-on-bone, the black-boned skeleton heaved out a long sigh.

This was his punishment.

Taking away his only penance for the sins he committed with each destruction of the AUs.

A glitching chuckle escaped the skeleton.

How... interesting.

If only he could see the look on Fate's face when she did it. She probably looked like a real freak.

His fingers curled into his eye socket, gripping desperately for some kind of hole.

He could do this. He could be fine. It was him or the Balance, him and the Balance. He didn't need to die, only destroy the new AUs and fight Ink.

It was possible.

Another portal opened beneath him with a swipe of his other hand, sending him falling into another AU.

How strange... this code was green.

Not white or red or yellow like he was used to seeing, but green.


A hand grabbed his hood and yanked him out of the portal, ripping through layers of the Void and pulling him to a stop out in the space between AUs. It was strange -- the hand was careful not to touch his bones, only grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

"HEh, diDn'T KnOW yOu coULd inTerRupt mY telEPoRtS, inKY," remarked Error casually, fingers curling around a bone construct.

Fight Ink, don't dust him. He is Fate's Chosen. Fight, not dust. Hold back hold back hold back.

"I assure you, I am not Ink."


Had Ink made another AU fast enough that Error hadn't noticed? This voice and the magic that came with it was almost entirely unfamiliar, connected only by the tendrils of Frisk-mage-code and GaSTer-monster-code that allowed it to form.

"WhO aRE yOu?"

His tone hadn't changed from lightly causal to reflect the internal turmoil in his mind. How could he have missed it, he was such a self-centered bastard, how could he put the Balance in danger because he wanted to be rid of it all--

"I am Void. You may consider me to be your guide to the place you've found yourself in."

His hood was released. Error immediately turned around to survey the newcomer. Why would he need a guide? He knew his way around the Multiverse quite well!

Not that he wouldn't mind company -- having Swap around reminded him of what it felt like to be accepted, at least for a little bit -- but it was curious, unneeded, confusing and maybe made him a little warmer inside.

Someone thought he was worth guiding.

Taking a moment to focus, he looked the Frisk/Gaster that had pulled him out of his portal.

They reminded him of Core!Frisk in appearance, all monochrome with empty black eye sockets. However, that was where the similarities end.

This Frisk was older. They looked to be about in their teenage years, judging by the height and their build. Probably one of the Frisks that identified as female, going by their high waisted black skirt and the cut of the shirt above it, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. A white scarf, reminiscent of the Papyrus-equivalents, wrapped around their neck, falling down their back as they waited patiently for Error to speak. Their hands were clasped behind their back, poised gracefully midair.

"hEH, thAnKS foR thE ofFer bUt I'M goInG to HAve To decLiNe. GoT plAcEs tO be, AUs tO deStRoY aNd ALl thAt," Error said, glancing at the  brunette.

He couldn't risk someone getting destroyed in a battle between him and Ink. It was bad enough to destroy AUs. Destroying someone outside of that would ruin him.

"Error, there isn't a need to destroy AUs when there aren't enough to tip the Balance."

Error blinked. Once, twice.


Heh, he actually sounded like a normal sans for once. Not like the glitchy misprint he was.

"I... I'm afraid I have only received my sight recently, and I cannot see into your past." They glanced to the side. "However, I have seen enough to know that Destiny has pardoned you. This is not a Multiverse with an ignorant creator."

"kId. YoU dON't knOw wHaT yoU'rE taLkInG aBoUt."

Error's voice was hard as ice, but Void ignored it.

"You'd be surprised, Error. I know a great many things." Void looked down. "Perhaps too much."

Silence descended upon the duo before they shook themselves and sighed.

"Perhaps you will need to see for yourself. Brace yourself, Error, for my memories are fragmented and I will be throwing you through them. I apologize in advance."

Before the black skeleton could say anything, he was caught in a net of black energy and sucked into a world that didn't exist.

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