|Chapter One|

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Your POV

"Where'd she go!?"
"Why would I know?!"
I smirked as I heard the guards arguing about how they lost me, again. I peaked over a tree branch to see them looking around on there white horses. They soon gave up on searching and made their way back to the castle. I leaned back over getting comfortable in the tree that I climbed.

I pulled my hood off letting my golden hair out. I grabbed my bag and took out the stolen loaf of bread and bit in to it. I sighed, due to the fact I haven't ate in three days. I downed the loaf of bread and then pulled out an green apple, which I also stole and bit into it.

"You must be in a good mood now huh?" Someone said causing me to jump, the voice was deep and wise. I looked over to see a black wolf with emerald eyes. I smiled at the wolf who was at the bottom of the tree.

"Yeah I am shadow" I said taking another bit out of my apple. I slid down the tree to the bottom where he was.
"Let me guess, the guards were after you? Again?" He asked tilting his head to the side. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head earning a sigh from him. "Why don't you just eat like us?" He asked again causing me to give him an disgusted look. "Never-mind".

As me and shadow made our way back to the cave where the rest of the pack was. As soon as I made it in, all the little wolf pups ran over to me.
"Y/N your back!"
"Did you kill any thing?"
"What happened you were gone for 4 days where were you?"

"Clam down little ones and go back to your mother" shadow said as he showed his fangs to them causing them to run over to their mom. I chuckle at shadow and he lead me to the leader, Ethan.

"Ah Y/N your back! Did you do as I told you?" He asked me.
"Yes, the small pack of wolves are gone and out of your territory" I said nodding my head slowly.
"Good good, then I guess your free to go" he said letting me leave. I walked out of the cave and sat against the closet tree. I sighed and pulled my sword out of its holder, looking at it.

It was silver with a leather handle. I had this sword for years yet, it never seemed to fit me. I slowly put it back in its holder and I stared into the sky which had colors of blue, pink, and orange.

"Hey" I heard shadow say as I felt his fur against my arm. "Whatcha thinking about?"
"I wonder what my parents are like" I said quietly and tiredly.
"I bet there lovely" shadow said.
"Lovely enough to leave me on alone when I was 1?" I asked harshly. Shadow stayed quiet for awhile before he spoke up.
"I'm sure it was for something important" he said reassuring me. "Here, Ethan wanted me to give this to you since you did such a good job" he said picking up a coin bag and throwing it on my lap. I was kinda heavy. "It's 60 gold coins" shadow added on.

"Were did he get this from?" I asked shadow looking over at him.
"I don't know, but use it know before he takes it back" shadow said with a chuckle. I got up quickly and put on my hood and ran towards the kingdom were I'm wanted at. But they never catch me anyway.

I climb a tree and climb on a thick branch which leads to the kingdom wall. I get to the very edge of the branch and jump over to the wall, hearing a snap before I jumped. I pulled myself up and got over the wall and dropped in an alleyway. I quickly made my way to the blacksmith using the alleyway. Once I got in the shop, the blacksmith looked shocked as I stumbled into the shop.

"Uh what can I do for you?" He chocked out.
"A new sword a sharp and strong one" I said quickly walking closer to him. He nodded fast and went to the back to get swords. I looked around the shop to see a wanted poster, with me on it. It didn't have my face but it had me in my hood. That must be why he seems so tense.

He came out with 3 swords in his hands and then set them down on the counter. I picked up the first one, which was an all black one which was really light. I swung it around to see how it felt; it fit perfectly into my hand and was really strong. I looked over at the blacksmith, who had a scared expression on his face.

"How much for this?" I asked coldly.
"Uh that would be 20 gold" he said as if he just seen someone be killed. I grabbed the coin purse that I got and grabbed a handful and gave it to him.
"Keep the change" I said emotionless and took out my one sword and put in the new one. I threw the old one on the floor and went to turn around when I heard the door slam open.

"Get on your knees, now!" Yelled a guard. I slowly got on my knees and put my hands up. I felt my hands be put in chains as they picked me up and carried me outside. I've got so many stares that I started to get anxiety.
"Wow look guys your making a scene" I said sarcastically.
"Shut it" one guard said.
"Wow rude" I said smirking under my hood.
"I said shut it" he said again I bit louder.

I got many stares as they dragged me to the castle. I tried to do something but I was handcuffed nor if I did get free there's to many to fight off. They took me to the dungeon and threw me into a cell. They look every weapons I had on me, making me useless.

"Looks like they finally caught the 'The Shadow' eh?" An old man asked causing me to look to my right. He had grey hair which was balding in the middle and a middle length gray beard.

"Is that what they call me?" I asked acting surprised.
"They call you other things like 'The Lady in Black' or the 'Dark Assassin'" he said laughing at the end.
"Hey I only killed a couple of people but I really like the 'Dark Assassin'" I said jokingly.
"Alright 'Dark Assassin' looks like your my new cell buddy" the old man said laughing loud.
"What happened to the old one" I asked calmly.
"Oh he died of starvation" the old man said blankly.
"Sounds reasonable" I said turning my head to the hall way were the entrance was. Oh what have I got myself in this time?

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