2: plane ride

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Some people leave this huge impact on our lives and we wish we could see them one more time But you know that is hard- Alexis (me btw)

I stare blankly out the window of the car as things passed by
I'm really excited yet nervous
I really hope I can see Kiku again
It's been to long
And I know he's important because I haven't forgotten him not even for a moment

I touched the necklace he gave me
It's cold
I smiled to myself as I remembered him

I quickly shook me head
It's such ashame that you fell in love with him even after he left
He's not even here!

I looked up as I felt the car stop
I saw Alfred and his girlfriend get out
Hmm I guess we're here
It's time

I unbuckeld my seat belt
Well it took a few minutes because of how excited yet nervous I was
Alfred started laughing but his girlfriend hit his chest
But then we all started laughing

Alfred helped me get my bags out
He hugged me tightly
"Goodluck I hope you find him and please call or text me when you get there" he rubbed and head and smiled widely
"Sure thing Al" I said

I waved goodbye and walked away leaving them behind
I took a deep breath as I walked inside
There was so many people
I smiled to myself as I got in line
Might I add a long line

After I did everything
I sat in a chair
Waiting until they call for my plane to get boarded
I sighed boredly as I scrolled through my phone

Wait maybe I should record
I took out my camera and started recording
"Hello everyone! As you know soon I will be on my way to Japan! I'm so excited and hopefully I'll get to meet some of you guys"
I started talking about random things until they called my plane

I stopped recording and grabbed my carry on bag
I quickly made sure I had everything before making my way to my gate

I sighed in relief as I fell onto the airplane chair
I looked out the window
It was so interesting to see the other planes

Hmm hopefully the other people I'll be sitting next to aren't.......ummm are nice
I shook my head

Just then I heard a loud gasp and squealing
I turned my head to see two younger looking girls
In their early teens around that

I smiled
"Hello~" I said
And they started squealing again
I chuckled

Both girls turned around to talk to each other but I could still hear them
"Omg I can't believe it's really her"
One of them said
"I can't believe we're sitting next to her best day ever!"

I chuckled again
"You two better sit down before the plane takes off" I said smiling
They both turned around
And quickly sat down

Oh how I love my fans
"So what are your names?" I asked trying to start up a conversation
"I'm (fans name 1) and (fans name 2) we're both from (country)" the taller one spoke
I smiled
"That's really cool" I said

I opened my bag and took out two picture and signed them
Then I handed them to the girls
Who started squealing again
We also took some pictures
By some I mean a lot
But I don't care

I ended up recording again and I let the girls introduce themselves and I gave them a shout out
Once I finished recording we had small talk
Then they let me have some time to myself

Which I have to thank them for that
I looked at my phone
And my eyes widened
We only have a 3 hours left
Dang time really passed

I should sleep a little
I took out my neck pillow and started sleeping
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see the two girls from before

I started recording again as we walked out of the plane
I said goodbye to the girls then I went to get my stuff
I took a deep breath as I walked out of the airport
I gripped the handle bar of my suitcase

This is the start of a new beginning

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I stayed up past 3 am to get some chapters done for you guys so I'm sorry if there is any spelling/grammar mistakes
I will be posting all this week
Since you guys are so nice to me
T^T I seriously can't say how thankful I am that people actually enjoy reading my books
Have a good day!

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