14: say whay!?!

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I knocked on kiku's door
Man that was a long but awesome day of hanging out with my friends
I turned my head kiku's car is here why isn't he answering? It's already been a couple of minutes
And now I can feel the worry start to itch and poke at me

I knocked again "kiku it's me can you open up please?" I said pretty loudly so he could here
Then I heard foot steps from inside and watched as the door opened to a messy looking kiku??
"What happened? Are you alright?"
I asked worried about him
"It's nothing go to your room and don't bother me" he said and turned away from me

What's this about?
Maybe work is just stressing him out
"Well alright I can do the not bothering you part by why do I have to stay in the room?" I asked walking up to him
"Because I said so!" He said raising his voice slightly
I looked at him wide eyed then crossed my arms into a defensive stance
"I'll just go then gosh! You obviously don't need me here ever since I got here you've been acting like a donkey!!" I hissed at him and it was his turn to go wide eyed
"I guess we both changed" I said and turned on my heel and started to walk away
"Wait (y/n)" I could sense the guilt in his voice and for some reason it just made me cringe slightly
"Stay there and don't mother me" I mocked him and started walking home

What the hell just happened.....
Crap I ran a hand through my hair dodging people walking past me
No I don't need him and his rotten attitude...

I stopped and turned my head twords a bar
Ugh why not I walked in and started drinking away
The burning sensation of each drink melting away the painful memories for a few minutes at most
I just kept drinking each drink I could feel myself slowly slipping away

I complained to the bartender who was a complete stranger about kiku
Honestly I feel bad the poor guys probably used to it by now...

Ugh why is kiku so different now...

Short chapter I know guys but I hope you had fun reading this one 🙃
Another one will be coming out soon so stay tuned for that and prepare yourself for a rollercoaster hehe
Thank you for reading ❤

Missing Part  2nd book (Japan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now