5: shopping with the girls

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If you can't stop thinking about it
Buy it.... by Josh V/jv (I think)

I woke up and I heard a loud noise coming from what I think is the kitchen
I sighed and sat up
Who's making that noise

I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room
I saw the kitchen light on
Who's up
I shrugged and walked twords the kitchen

I peeked in and saw aya
Oh thank God
I sighed in relief and walked in

There was pots and pans on the floor and aya sitting on the ground rubbing her aching head

"Hey aya you alright?" I held out my hand
Aya took it and I helped her to her feet
"Ya I kinda slipped" she said and we both started laughing
"Of course you did" I said

I ended helping aya with breakfast so she didn't end up hurting herself
And let me tell you this isn't the first time

I heard footsteps and I saw mei walk into the kitchen
She yawned and stretched her arms
"Morning sleeping beauty" I said smirking a bit
She rolled her eyes playfully and walked up to us

Somehow we all ended up dancing and singing at the top of our lungs
Of thank God for friends
And that or food didn't burn

After we finished eating we decided to go shopping
Which I'm down for
I ended up going to my room to get changed

What am I supposed to wear
I looked over the suit case that held all my clothes
I ended up going with a (color) knot front shirt, (color) jeans and (color) converse

This looks good enough
I decided to put my hair (tied up/ left alone)
And I put light makeup on
I looked in the mirror
Hmm ya I think this is good

I grabbed my bag and put my wallet, the extra keys aya gave me, some hair ties, hair pins, a travel make up case, sun screen, bug spray, chapstick, camera, headphones, sun glasses, tissues, a notepad, phone charge and gum

Ya I know it's a lot
But you gotta be prepared
I grabbed my phone on the way out of my room

I walked up to mei and aya
Who were smiling
"Alright let's do this!!!!" Aya said
Well more like shouted

We all got in the car
I ended up sitting in the backseat
Because mei took shotgun
How dare her....
Oh whatever
Its just a seat

I watched as we drive by buildings and people
Wow Japan's really nice
I can't wait to go shopping with my besties
Aya said the shops had really cool things and mei said she knew some people who worked at different shops

I'm not surprised at that one
Mei knows everyone
Well almost everyone
I smiled to myself

After some while
Aya parked the car and we all got out

I looked around with awe
Aya was right
This is so cool

"Hey you just gonna stand there our are we gonna shop?" Mei asked
I stared at her and playfully glared
"No we're gonna stand right here" I said sarcastically
We all laughed as we walked around

The first shop we walked into was a toy shop
Not that I'm complaining
The plushies were so cute
mei and aya ran around looking at the toys
I swear I'm shopping with children

Then we walked into a clothing store
Mei of course said hi to someone she knew
"Hey (y/n) come over here" mei waved me over
Oh yay social interaction

I walked up to them
The woman she was talking to wasn't asian she had brown hair and it was in a French knot, violet eyes, very healthy looking skin
She was really good looking not to mention she had a lot of make-up on her face

"Hello I'm Francine Bonnefoy and I own this shop" she said with a heavy French accent and a smile
She held out her hand and I took it
"I'm (y/n) Jones and it's very nice to meet you" I said
She kept smiling
"Oh why it's my pleasure go look around the shop if you must~"
I nodded and started to browse

I'm not trying to be mean
But she kinda freaks me out
I shook my head
That was mean
I shrugged and kept looking around

Mei and aya joining me
We ended up trying some clothes on
And it ended up being a fashion show

After we bought the clothes we wanted we bid farewell to Francine and left the shop

After a few more shops we decided to stop at a cafe
And yet again mei knew someone who worked there
Again shocker

Wait is that feli?
To my surprise it was
I would notice that weird curl anywhere

"Hello feli" I smiled and walked up to the counter
"Oh ciao bella" his eyes were closed as he smiled his usual bright smile
"What-a would you like?" He asked me
"(Drink) and a (pastry) if possible" I said smiling a bit
"Of course Bella and don't worry it's on the house" he said cheerfully
I was about to say something but I decided not to
Hey it's free stuff

I sat down next to mei and aya
Who were sitting next to a window
We started talking until our stuff got called
Aya insisted on getting it
She got up and went to go get our stuff

She came back a few moments later and placed our stuff on the table
I grabbed my drink and pastry and set it down in front of me

We started talking again
While enjoying our food and drinks
Today is a good day
I smiled to myself

I got to hang out with my friends who I haven't seen in forever
I'm in Japan
And I'm going to see Kiku again
I mean who wouldn't be happy

Thank you so much for reading 😘
It means so much!
And since I love you guys so much I decided to have another chapter today
Also Who would you like to see in the up coming chapters?
Comment down below!
Remember to have a good day~ 😁

Missing Part  2nd book (Japan x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin