9: reunited at last

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It's been a long ride without you
By unknown

I ran into someone
And fell to the cold floor
Ugh why does this keep happening
"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking whe-"

My eyes widen in shock as I quickly stood up
My heart beating so fast it feels like it's gonna pop outta my chest
After all the waiting
The 8 painful years without him
He's right here in front of me

"K-kiku!?!" I said my voice shaky
His eyes widen as he realized who I was
He grabbed my shoulder and looked me up and down to see if it was really me

And dear Lord puberty hit him like a truck to
And he looks good with doctor stuff on
Omg (y/n) stop
Why am I so weird?
Oh nevermind

Kiku then hugged me tightly
And I wrapped my arms around him
Oh how long I waited for this moment
I started to cry
Kiku rubbed my back to calm me down
I wasn't mad at him I was just upset he never contacted me I thought he forgot about me

My heart started to beat really fast again as I looked into his mesmerising eyes

"I-i...thought you f-forgot about me...." I said stuttering
He hugged me again
"I'm so sorry (y/n) I was so busy"
I sighed as he said this and calmed down

"C-can I stay at your house so we can catch up?" I said my voice still shaky
He nodded and smiled
And there go's my heart

"Why are you here anyway?"
Kiku asked looking me up and down to make sure I wasn't injured
"It's not me my friends hurt her leg while filming a dance video"
I said he nodded
"Saying that I should probably head back" I said
Kiku smiled slightly and nodded

He asked for my phone number and put it into his phone
I did the same with his number
Then I waved goodbye and walked away

I blushed and held my phone to my chest as I walked
Finally I made it back to the waiting room

Mei and im yong soo looked at me weirdly
Mei raised an eyebrow
"Why are you so happy?" She asked
"I saw kiku...." I said
She squealed and jumped around holding my hands

*time skip just because*

Aya had to stay in the hospital for a few days it was nothing serious through just a sprained ankle like I said before

I ended up going back to the house
I grabbed my suitcase
And went into the living room
The other two already know I'm staying with Kiku since I haven't seen him in forever
I don't wanna leave those two fools alone though
But whatever

I texted Kiku the address and waited
As I waited I made a group chat
Consisting of me, aya, mei and Im Yong Soo

After awhile I heard a beeping from outside
Must be Kiku
I cheerfully ran out the door with my suitcase

Kiku got out and grabbed my suitcase from me and put in the trunk
We both got into to car and he drove off

Oh thank the Lord's
Finally after 8 years
We have reunited

😍 yes they have finally reunited
I was gonna have it later in the book
But I didn't have any other ideas so I just did it
I figured you guys waited long enough 😆

Any special requests? Comment down below if you do

Once again thank you for reading and
Stay safe!!!

Missing Part  2nd book (Japan x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt