8: accident

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An injury may prove a blessing
By ovid?

Mei, aya, im yong soo and me
All decided to go back to that studio
And record some stuff
Why not
I could use some extra videos
And so can aya

So that's where we are right now
We're in the dance studio
And I'm vlogging since aya said she'll give me the dance recording

I decided to take a group selfie
While we were resting
I took a few pictures
Then posted one of them on Instagram

Caption: recording some videos for you guys! With @ayafly76 @meitaiwan77 @imyongsoo

I made sure to tag everyone
And once again my phone blew up
With comments
Most of them positive

I decided to sit down and record the other three dancing while I talked
They were doing freestyle and it was really funny

Aya decided to do some break dancing even though she's not that good at it
Hopefully she doesn't hurt herself

Everyone was laughing and clapping as aya danced
Until she landed on her leg weirdly and fell to the ground screaming in pain as she held her leg

I instantly set the camera down and ran to her
I looked at her leg and cringed
It did not look so good but I think she only sprained it
It doesn't look broken or anything

Dang it why did I jinx her
I looked over to see the other two panicking
"Someone call an ambulance" I said rather calmly since someone needed to stay calm even though I was panicking on the I side

I started talking to aya as mei called an ambulance
"Their on their way" mei said with a shaky voice
I rubeed aya's head

It wasn't long before the paramedics came
Which is good

We followed the ambulance to the hospital
I had to drive since I was the only 'calm' one right now

We arrived 10 minutes after the ambulance I think
Because of traffic

We rushed I to the hospital
I walked up to the front desk
"Hello I'm looking for aya Izumi the girl that just came in?" I said
The lady typed something on the computer
"Oh yes she was rushed into the emergency room so go wait in the waiting room" she flashed me a sympathetic smile as I bowed
"Thank you" I said

As me and the other two made our way to the waiting room and sat down
I decided to vlog so I can cam tell my fans the situation

I stopped recording after awhile
And went through my Instagram
A lot of new comments
No surprise there
I looked at some of the post from the people I follow
And liked some of them

Ugh god I hope she's alright
I know it's nothing to serious so thank God for that

I stood up and turned to the other two
"I'm gonna go walk around text me if you here anything" I said as the two nodded

I walked down the hallway
Looking down deep in thought
I know she will be alright
Should I tell the fans or not
I don't even know if I should post it
But the fans will question us anyway
If the see a cast or anything on aya
And I can't just leave her out of photos and vlogs
That won't be fair
You know what I'll let her tell her fans first then I'll tell mine-

I ran into someone
And fell to the cold floor
Ugh why does this keep happening
"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking whe-"

Another cliff hanger cause I'm evil
😈 and it will make people want to read more to find out what happens next
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
And look forward to next chapter because we're gonna meet someone!

Remember to have a good day and stay safe! 😁

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