13: meet up again

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I sat on my bed and looked aimlessly at the wall
I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something....oh my god

Panic hit me like a brick
Wait no not like a brick like a elephant that decided to sit on me or something

I quickly got out of bed and got changed
I jumped on one foot trying to put my other shoe on making sure I don't fall or break anything in the process
Once I successfully put my other shoe on I grabbed my phone and bolted out of the room and made my way through the maze that is Kiku's house

Mansions are cool and all but don't you get lonely being all by yourself in a big house????

I finally made it to the front door and walked out closing the door behind me without a second thought I called mei
I waited a few seconds
But all I got in return was a voicemail thing but ain't nobody got time for that

I looked up and stared at the spot when kiku's car used to be.....well what am I supposed to do now
walk there?
Please hint my sarcasm I could never
My legs would fall off and I kinda want to keep them at the moment

I ended up calling im yong soo
And our conversation was over as quickly as it started surprisingly but at least I have a ride now

I sat down and waited for him for what seemed like forever
I can't believe I forgot to talk to my friends I kept thinking
Until I saw his gold lamborghini...
Why am I not surprised at all
"Hey (y/n) I know my cars cool and all but if you wanna go you need to get in" im yong soon said a playful smirk laced his face
"Yeah yeah I'm getting in" I said as I walked to the passengers side and got in

He talked the whole ride about everything and I mean EVERYTHING about what I missed but I don't mind that.... at least right now I don't

I spent the rest of the day with im yong soo, mei and aya
Who by the way is out of the hospital
And thank God it wasn't anything to bad she just sprained her ankle
But still poor thing I'm just surprised I didn't hurt myself yet so far

Right now we're at the park
Recording us walking around making jokes and having fun
But I did end up taking pictures of im yong soo because he insisted on getting pictures of him to post on Instagram

I smiled to myself knowing these three awesome people are my friends
Life would be so boring without them wouldn't it

Omg guys I am so so sorry for not posting I've been super busy with school and applying to a art program
Which I am happy to say that I made it into to
Also thank you all for reading and waiting for me to update I'll have more time so that means more updates! Please remember to have a good day ❤❤❤❤

Missing Part  2nd book (Japan x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin