Part One

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You were walking home from school one cold winter night. You (favorite color) backpack full of homework that your just not going to do because you don't care. You finally reached your house. You pulled out your house key and unlocked the door. You went inside and saw that no one was home but you.

"Sweet,I have the whole house to my self," you smiled.

You put your backpack down in the living room and pluged your iPod into the sound system. Music started blaring threw out your house. You quickly ran up stairs to you room and changed into a tank top and mini shorts. Even though it was mid winter, you still dressed like it summer. 

You came back down stairs and your favorite song was playing, (name of favorite song). You went back into the living room. And since it was your favorite song. You were singing along with the lyrics and dancing around. 

Right after when you started dancing and singing, a window slowly opened, and a boy with snow white hair, pale skin, and ice blue eyes climbed into your home.

You didn't noticed that there was some one else in your house watching you dance around. When you noticed that it got really cold in house, you stopped dancing, and turned around. You saw that the window was open. You quickly ran over to the window and stuck your head out to see if any one was around. You shrugged and closed the window. You went back to the living room and saw a boy with shocking blue eyes holding your iPod.

You screamed, "Who the heck are you!? And what are you doing in my house!?"

The boy turned and saw you looking at him. He jumped and fell backwards over the coffee table, "Holy sh- wait... can you see me?" Boy quickly stood back up.

"Yeah! What? Do you think I'm blind or something?" You asked the boy angrly.

The white haired boy jumped up with joy, "She can see me.. She can see me!"

"Yeah I can see you! And you STILL didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"Well isn't it obvious, I'm Jack Frost! The Spirit of Winter!"

You busted up laughing, "Jack Frost! Yeah right! Who are you really?"

"I told you, I'm Jack Frost."

"Oh yeah? Prove it?"

The boy gave you a smirk, and walked over to the windows. He touched one of the widows with a staff that you didn't noticed before. Soon after, a lair of frost covered the window. He looked over his shoulder at you, he laughed when he saw your mouth was open in amazement.

"Y-you just put frost, on my window!" You said with a gasp.

"That's not all I can do, draw something on it," he gestured towards the frost covered window.

You slowly walked towards the window, and drew a small bird. You backed away slowly and looked at the so called Jack Frost.

"Now watch this." He went over to your drawing on the window. He did something with his hands and soon a ice blue bird was sitting in his hands. A smile crept it's way onto your face, as Jack threw the bird into the air. The bird flew towards you was circeled your head three times before turning into snow flakes that floated down onto the floor and your (hair length), (hair color) hair.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Jack Frost is in my house!" You jumped around joyfully, which made the winter spirit laugh.

"Yeah, your music was loud enough to hear it three houses away, so I wanted to see where the music was coming from. And I looked in the window, and I saw you dancing. Your a good dancer by the way." Jack said as he leaned on his staff.

You blushed, "Thanks,oh, and my name is (name) by the way." 

"Well nice to meet you (name)," Jack said as he looked around your house. "Hey, you want to got to somewhere fun?"

"What do you mean 'Somewhere'?"

"There's this guys named Cupid, he's throughing a party and I sort of need at date," Jack ran his fingers threw his hair nervously.

"Wait? Cupid? You mean the guy who goes around shooting arrows around on Valentine's Day?" You asked.

"Yep, so, are you coming with me or not?"

"Hmmm.... Sure why not."

"Sweet, by the way, you might want to change, Cupid's girl friend gets really ticked if some one brings a date that's not dressed up for some weird reason."

You laughed, "Your lucky I just baught a dress a few days ago, I'll be right back." 

You quickly ran up stairs, and out pulled out the new dress. The dress was (favorite color). It was a short cocktail dress with a sweet heart neck line with little rine stones. You quickly found some silver high heels and put on some make up. 

You came back down stairs, and saw Jack was sitting on the couch looking at a book. He looked up at you in your new dress. His eyes widened as he saw you. 

Soon a smirk came across his face, "Wow! You, look great!"

You blushed, "Thanks, so, how are we going to get to Cupid's party?"

"Come on," Jack walked over to the door and opened it. You walked out the door into the cold winter air.

"So anyways, how are we going to get there?" You asked agian.

"Like this," Jack picked you up bride-style and took off into the air. 

You screamed, "Wait!? You can fly!?"

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