Part Five

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Tooth and her fairies were doing your hair and make up while you told them funny stories about your families. One of Tooth's fairies, who you found out was named Baby Tooth, was jamming out to your iPod. Turns out she really like music.

"So wait," Tooth said as she was puting silver eye shadow on your eye lids, "your cousin, (cousin's name), he shot him self in the foot with a air soft gun? And you just stood there laughing at him?"

"Yep, it was funny, I should have taken a vidio of it so I could put it on youtube," you said with a small laugh as you remembered that day.

"Oh you are so mean," Tooth said laughing.

"And proud of it too!"

You and Tooth started laughing. She was pretty nice once you get to know her. Tooth finished your make up and started working on your hair. She curled your hair and put some glitter in it as well.

"Oh my... (name) you look beautiful," Tooth said in awe as she looked at your face.

You turned towards the mirror. She was right, you were stunning! You hair was prefectly curled and just the right amount of glitter, your (eye color) eyes stood out with the silver eye shadow, your lips were the perfect shade of red, and your eye lashes were long and had volume.

Your jaw dropped, "is that me?"

Tooth laughed, "yes it is, now come on. We don't want to keep them waiting."

You walked out of the room followed by Tooth. You walked down stairs to find Jack laying on a couch looking board, North bossing around what looked like yetis, and Bunnymund was in the corner painting an Easter egg.

They all looked up when the saw you come in. You looked over to a couple of yetis with their mouths opened stareing at you. North and Bunny smiled when you came in, but Jack on the other hand, he was totally cheaking you out. He looked at you from head to toe with a really sexy smirk on his face.

Jack shook his head to try to clear his mind. He stood up and handed you your silver spear. You took it with a smile.

"Manny should any minute," said North with a smile.

"Manny?" you asked.

"We call the Man in the Moon 'Manny' for short," Jack told you.

You shrugged, and headed over to the couch to wait.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Time skippy by 10 minutes~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

You laying on the couch up side down listening to your iPod. You and the Guardians were waiting for Manny to arrive.

Out of no where, a sudden burst of moon light came in threw the opening in the ceiling. You looked up to see a man floating down to the ground. He was glowing like the moon,he was about as tall as North, he wore a long white robe that hid his feet, had the same hair color as you and along with the same eyes as well, and he carried a huge golden spear similar to yours. 

You grabbed your spear and began to glow as bright as the man that just arrived.

"Manny! It is great to see you my friend," North greeted the Man in the Moon.

"It has been a long time since I have been to Earth," Said Manny with a warm smile, "and Jackson, it is nice to see you in person after all these years. After all, we never officialy met."

Jack laughed, "if it's alright with you, I would rather be called Jack."

"Toothaina, Bunnymund, it is nice to see you as well," Manny said, "and (name), I have been waiting for many years to see you in person."

"How-how do you know my name?" you asked Manny in a shocked tone.

"I see that your spear has awakened your powers, your are shining brighly," Manny said in a calming voice.

Manny turned towards the Guardians, "I have came to inform you that the Angel has awaken."

"The Angel!? She as been missing for many years, how can she be just appear out of no where?" North said in shock.

"It might sound immposible but it is true, she is my daughter so I know," Manny informed the Guardians.

The Man in the Moon walked over to your side and put a hand on your shoulder, "the Angel, the Guardian of Guardians, is right here."

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