Part 8

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~warning!!! Little bit of Smexy shit ;3~

You smiled as Jack told you that you were his first kiss. Jack moved you onto his lap, and with out even thinking, you wrapped your legs around his back, and began playing with his sweat shirt ties.

Jack blushed slightly, which caused you to laugh a little.

Oh my god he looks so cute when he blushes! You thought to yourself.

"You know Jack," you said still playing with his sweat shirt ties. "You were my first kiss too."

Jack put a REALLY sexy smirk on his face. He pulled you up against him, which caused you to glow even brighter. The temp of the room dropped again causing ice to form on the floor. Even though it was freezing cold in to room, you didn't feel a thing. You felt perfectly fine.

Jack kissed you again, but lighter this time, then again but a little harder, and again but this time it became more passionate. He leaned back and were on top of him. You were shining so bright now that you were afraid that the rest Guardians could see it from miles away. But the temp dropped once more causing a thick layer of frost to cover the all the windows. It was so thick that no light was visible outside the windows.

Jack ran his fingers up and down your spine sending cold spikes threw your body. It was not bothering you though, it was actually addicting to you. His cool fingers brushed against your soft wings.

Your lips parted only for a few seconds as both of you catch some air. You fluffed your feathers, which caused Jack to smile up at your now breath taking, shining face.

Your lips came back down on his this time. His hands found your exposed skin due to that dang belly shirt Cupid gave you. A slight smile came to Jack's lips. As your warm skin warmed his fingers. His fingers were about to move under your shirt when a heavy knocking on the door parted both of your lips and looked towards the door.

OH YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!? NOW!? You yelled inside your head.

You got off of Jack and headed towards the door. You opened it to see a huge hairy thing that looked like a chubacca with a pony tail and a mustache.

"Beiorpeshiop," the hairy thing said.

"Wha?" You had no idea what the hairy thing was saying.

Jack came up behind you, "Oh hey Phil, what's up?"

"Phil? What is this thing anyways?" You asked Jack.

"Oh Phil? He's a yeti. There's thousands of them here. Today they were in the glaciers working on some new part of the Pole I think."

"BEIORPESHIOP!" Phil the yeti yelled again on the top of his lungs.

"What do you mean there's something up with the globe?" Jack asked. Some how Jack knew what he was saying. The yeti ran down the stairs. You and Jack followed. Soon, you, Jack, and Phil arrived at this huge room with a giant globe with golden lights all over it.

"What's with all the lights?" You asked.

"Those are children around the world who believe in the Guardians," Jack told you as he looked up at the globe. The lights began to flicker. And black sand began to incircle the huge globe. Jack tightened his grip on his staff and you raised your spear towards the globe, now completely covered in black sand.

The sand pulsed and the King of Nightmares, Pitch Black, was standing on the globe. Pitch's eyes widen when he saw you, alive, and glowing with white Angel wings.

"No, how is that possible? How is the Angel alive!?" He yelled down at you and Jack as a couple of nightmares appeared at his side.

"Pitch, I'm a freakin' Angel! Which means that I'm hard to kill. I found that out the hard way," you yelled at Pitch.

Jack laughed, "Geez! Remind me not to get on your bad side!"

You smiled, you always had a bad side. AND you had a knack to get on people's nerves.

That's when you got an idea, "Hey Pitch! I bet you can't hit this! Ya gay lord!"

Jack, all the yetis in the room, and all the elves in watching busted up laughing.

Jack fell onto the floor laughing so hard that he was crying, "GAY LORD!? WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!?"

Pitch had this angry look on his face, "Just for the record, I am not gay."

"Then why are you wearing a dress?" You said as you smiled up at the really ticked off Boogieman.

Jack busted up laughing again! Along with the whole group of yetis and elves in the room as well.

"IT'S A ROBE!" Pitch yelled at you

"Nope! Thats a dress!" You yelled back.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

"Hey Pitch do you have matching heels?"

Jack tried standing up, but when he heard you say that, he was on the floor laughing again. This time, Pitch had enough of you. He called on a hoard of nightmares. The nightmares charged. You didn't have time to react. You began to glow so right that it was blinding. You spread your wings and instantly the whole hoard of nightmares burned away into nothing.

Pitch never saw that coming. Pitch chickened out and vanished. Leaving his burned nightmares behind. You were so tired after that. So once again, you fainted once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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