Part Four

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Pitch Black disappeared along with his black sand. You lay there on the floor gasping and chocking on your own blood. You stopped glowing and youe spear was laying beside you.

Jack ran to your side and knelt down beside you. He pulled the arrow out of your chest and held you in his arms. Tears were streaming down his face, "come on (name), stay with me, please, don't go, I-I-I'm going to get you some help. Y-your going to be fine."

"I," you said with a gasp as you tried not to choke on blood, "I don't think I'm going to make it."

"Don't you say that!" Jack said as he tried to hold back a sob, "I'm going to take you to the North Pole."

You didn't hear Jack that well, all you heard was that you were going to the North Pole. And then you blacked out.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Time skippy~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~

You woke up wrapped in all kinds of furs and laying next to a roaring fire. You felt like crap. You slowly sat up and noticed that you were on some giant sofa. You looked around and saw what looked like two tiny people looking at you with big goofy smiles on their faces. They were wearing some kind of weird outfit that covered them from head to toe, and they had big pointy hats with bells that hung from the top.

"Sam! Daisy! What are you two elves doing over here? You know you guys can't be over here!" Said a man with a heavy Russian accent. He wore a red suit and had white hair along with a long beard. His eyes widen when he saw you were awake. 

Soon a smile came across his face, "Welcome to the North Pole my dear girl, What is your name?" 

"(name)... and were those things really elves?" You asked the man.

"Well nice to meet you (name), and yes, those things are real elves, they keep stealing my cookies. Those little pointy heads," the man said in a Russian accent.

"Wait, who are you exactly?" You acked him.

"Why I'm North, but you might know me as Santa Claus."

You jaw dropped, "Santa Claus?"

"Pease, call me North," North said in a jolly tone, "I should tell the others that you are  awake."

North left the room. You looked down at where the arrow hit you, the wound was bandaged up and clean. You still had your dress on from last night, but it torn and covered in dirt and dry blood.

You heard the doors open and in came Jack, holding his staff and your spear as well. But what really surprised you was that North came in with three others, a winged woman covered in feathers, a little golden man that looked like he was made of shining gold sand, and a giant bunny, that really looked more like a kangaroo.

"(name), these are the Guardians of Childhood," North said as he gestured his hand towards the group.

"Wait... Guardians?" You asked.

"Yeah, who do you think protects the children?" Jack said as he sat next to you.

"But, who are you guys? I know Jack, and I just met North, but who are you guys?" You asked the three others that you saw for the first time.

"Well," said the feathered woman with a smile on her face, "I am Toothaina, you may know me as the Tooth Fairy, but, here every one just calls me Tooth."

"Well, nice to meet you Tooth" you said with a smile.

"I'm Bunnymund, but you know me as the Easter Bunny," said the giant bunny.

"The Easter Bunny? Dang! I thought you were smaller."

Bunnymund laughed, "please, call me Bunny, and what is your name mate?"

'He is totally Australain' you thought to your self, "my name is (name)."

You looked over to the little golden man who was hovering right above the floor sleeping. North had to awake him up by lightly smacking his on his shoulder.

"This is the Sandman, we just call him Sandy here," North said.

A smilely face appeared above Sandy's head which made you giggle.

"Nice to meet you to Sandy," you said as you were fighting the urge to run over and give him a big fat hug.

"So (name)," Jack said as he looked into your (eye color) eyes, "how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus," you said with a small laugh.

"Well why don't you get cleaned up first, since your still in that dress of yours," Tooth said as she held out her hand. You took it and she helped you up. She helped you up stairs since you where still pretty weak. She opened a door to looked like a guest bedroom. There was a king size bed with all kinds of furs, a fire place with a cozy fire, and a huge bathroom that you could literally play base ball in.

A swarm of what looked like little humming birds came in bringing clothes for you to wear. You looked a little more closely, and saw that the swarm of humming birds weren't humming birds at all, they were very similar in a way, but they were little fairies! They were covered in in colored feathers just like Tooth. You saw that three of the fairies holding and jamming out to your iPod.

"Now, now, now, don't be playing with (name)'s things," said Tooth as she took the clothes and your iPod way from the fairies and handed them to you, "in case your wandering, these are they little tooth fairies, they help me collect the teeth, and the clothes are from Cupid, he said you might need something to wear so his girl friend picked out these clothes for you." 

Tooth and her fairies left the room and closed the door behind them. You went into the bathroom and took off your dress and took a quick shower. After when you were done, you put on the clothes that Tooth had said that Cupid and his girl friend had got for you. You were now wearing blue skinny jeans, a white belt, but what really had your attention, was that you were also wearing a stunning white tank top that showed a little bit of your stomach. You face palmed your face, your were pretty sure that Cupid was trying to set you up with some one. But since you had no other things to wear, you were just stuck wearing this.

You walked out of the bathroom to see two little adorable fairies grinning at you holding a pair of red converse shoes. You smiled as you took the shoes and put them on. You had always wanted a pair of converse. You saw that Tooth came in holding what looked like a bag full of make up.

"What's with the make up?" you asked Tooth looking at the bag.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we should doll you all up first before we go down stairs to the meeting," Tooth said with a warming smile.


"The Man in the Moon wants to meet with you," Tooth said in a quiet voice, "he is coming to the Pole in person."

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