Part Three

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You where dancing in the center of the circle that was formed on the dance floor. People were chanting your name, over and over. You were having the time of your life. And then to your surprise, Jack came into the circle and started to break dance. You backed up a little bit to give him some more room. You put a smile on your face, and backed out of the circle to give Jack the spot light.

You cheered for jack as he walked out of the circle, "Yeah! Go Jack Frost! I didn't know you could dance like that!"

"Tell you the truth, neither did I," Jack said with a smirk. The circle broke and every one just started doing their own thing. You and Jack just danced together for now on. But you started to get annoyed by a Satyr who kept trying to pull a move on you.

"Listen, you try that again, I'm going to throw my shoe at your fat head! You got that?" You told the Satyr angrly.

"Yeah right, your bluffing!" said the Satyr as he walked away. At this point, you were so ticked that you took off one of your silver high heels and threw it at the Satyr. The shoe it him right in the back of the head which caused him to fall over into a hot spring where fanged mermaids were just sitting and talking to each other.

"Oh he's in trouble now! That's what you get when you mess with the wrong girl you stupid goat!" You yelled at the Satyr who was trying to say he was sorry to the mermaids.

Jack laughed, "Geez! You really know how to deffend your self."

"Yep! I can turn a high heel into a club." You said laughing at your self. 

After the momment of you throwing your shoe at the Satyr, a slow song came on. You walked over the refreshments to see if you could find a root beer. You took off your other high heel and just went bare foot. You never really liked slow songs. At school dances, the boys never asked you to dance. So you never really went to the dances at your school any more. The song that was playing was called 'A Thousand Years'. You really loved this song and would really love to dance to it. But you thought no one would ask you, so you just stood there watching people dance. Jack walked over to you. 

He held out his hand to you, "So, (name), you wanna dance with me?"

You blushed, "sure, why not."

You took his hand as he lead you to the dance floor. When you and Jack reached the dance floor, you put your arms around his neck while he rests his hands on your waist. [the way you dance to a slow song at prom or some other dance. Ok I'll stop interrupting this now!]

"You know Jack, your the first guy who asked me dance with them," you said as you look up into his ice blue eyes.

"Um... (name) can I tell you something?" Jack said as he sort of blushed.

"S-sure, what do you want to tell me?"

Jack hesitated,"ever since you where five years old, I've been watching over you. For some reason, I was drawn to you. I don't know why but, there's something special about you. When you where little, I could tell there was something different about you (name)."

You where shocked to hear that Jack watched over you for almost your whole entire life. You didn't know how to react to this. So you just stood there looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I-I-I feel... I feel very protective of you (name). If something ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with my self," Jack said as he looked away from your face.

You put one of your hands on his cheek which caused him to look at you. His eyes locked with your (eye color) eyes. Blush crept its way into your face. Jack pulled you closer to him. Your lips were inches away from touching Jack's. The space between your lips and his was slowly becoming smaller when a scream came from a person in the crowd.

The music stopped and you and Jack looked up. You saw a man in a black robe with grey skin and black hair. Thousands mares that looked like the were made out of some sort of black sand speed their way into the Temple of Cupid. 

Jack quicky grabbed your wrist, and shoved you behind a counter.

"Stay here, and what ever you do don't move," Jack grabbed his staff and was about to head off to help Cupid fend off the mares when you grabbed his wrist. You pulled him down and gave his a quick kiss. His lips were a calming cool. 

You pulled away, "for good luck Jack."

A smile spread across his face, "you dang right that's gonna give me some luck!"

He flew into the air while freezing nearly 50 mares at the same time. The man in the black robe looked up and saw Jack, a twisted smile came across the his face.

"Jack Frost, I never thought you would be here," the freakish man said. It was pretty obvious that the man knew Jack was gonna be here.

"Pitch Black... Did you get a new dress or is that the same one that you wore when us Guardians whopped your butt?" Jack said with a smirk.

"It's a robe Jack!" Pitch said in a annoyed tone, "I came here because you have something I want... Or should I say someone."

Just then, a black tendrel of black sand wrapped around your neck lifting you up into the air. You clawed at the tendrel of sand gasping. You looked over to Jack, who was flying towards you and froze the tendrel wrapped around your neck he caught you and set you down on the ground.

"Run (name)! For god's sake run!" Jack said to you as he turned to freeze more on coming mares. You started running towards to door. 

Right when you reached the door. You stopped, why were you running when you knew your only friend might need your help? You looked over to a mantelpiece  on a wall that looked like it was holding silver spear of some sort. You quickly turned around and ran towards it. You reached the mantelpiece and took out the spear. You ran towards a mare and stuck the spear into its side. The mare screech and crumbled away into black sand. More mares charged towards you. You tried to run away right when a flash of white light blurred your vision. The lgiht only lasted for a half a second and some how, your where on the second floor of the temple looking down onto the battle below. But the only thing is that, there are no stairs leading up to the second floor! You had no idea how to get down! You started running around the second floor when another flash of white light came into your vision and you were down on the first floor. 

"(name)? W-why are you glowing?" Jack said as he ran towards you.

You looked down at your hands. He was right, you were glowing! The spear was glowing also, "W-why am I glowing? What's happeningto me?" 

Just then a giant black wolf made out of black sand, chaged towards Jack. 

"Jack duck!" You shouted. Jack did so, and you pointd the spear right at the wolf and a beam of what looked like moon light shot out blasting the wolf into a million pieces.

Jack looked up and saw that you had just killed that thing, "ok do NOT get rid of that thing!"

Jack flew off to fight more creaters made out of black sand. You turned and charged at a group of mares. You were glowing as bright as the moon killing as many mares as posible. You noticed that Pitch was creating more every time one died. You charged Pitch holding up your spear ready to through. That's when Pitch took aim at you with what looked like a bow made of black sand. He let the bow string go. You were about to send the spear flying when you felt a pain in you chest. You looked down and saw that a black arrow was protruding from your chest. You fell to the ground, some how still alive, but you knew you wouldn't be for long. You heard Jack scream you name as the creaters of black sand retreated.

Pitch rose up into the air with a evil smile on his face as he looked down at you, "Finally, after all these years, the Man in the Moon's daughter, is dying."

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