Part Six

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(sorry for spelling errors, I typed this on my phone XD)

"Wha-what do you mean I'm an Angel? Do I look like a have wings? Nooooo, so I'm not an Angel!" You said as you shoved the Man in the Moon away. "And I'm not your daughter!"

"Then how come you glow when ever you grasp your spear? How come the Nightmare King is after you? And most of all, how come you are able to wield that spear with out being blown to pieaces?" Manny told you as you started to walk away.

You froze in place. He was right. How come you are able to do all those things? You turned, "Then... How come you guys call me the Angel. I'm not an Angel. Do you see where I come from? I'm a nobody. I'm just the weird girl who doesn't have any friends! I'm just the slacker girl who doesn't do homework! I have like, 13 detentions that I'm just not going to go to them beacause I don't care! Angels don't do the stuff I do, Their perfect!"

"(name), thanks to the Angel, children believe in us, the Guardians. So basically, she is the Guardian of the Guardians," Tooth explained.

Sandy nodded and formed a little you with wings above his head and pointed to you. He was trying to tell you that you are the Angel.

"Sandy and Tooth are right, You are the Angel mate, and Manny is your father, I can see the resemblence," Bunny said as he looked at you to Manny.

"Then if I am the Angel... Where are my wings?" You said as you looked at your so called father.

Manny walked over to you an put to of his fingers to your forhead, "It is because I have not given you your wings yet."

There was a flash of bright light. You were raised up into the air as beams of moon light wrapped around you. You looked behind you and saw the faint out line of wings. You were gently lowered back to the floor. 

The Guardians were wide-eyed with amazement. You turned your head the look over your shoulder, but your view was blocked by a pair of shining white wings. You stumbled backwards out of shock and fell onto your butt. You moved the tip of your wings into your feild of vision. You touched them and felt your fingers rub against your soft white feathers.

"What the-, how did you-, wha?" you couldn't even speak your were so shocked. 

Manny smiled, "You see (name), you are very powerful, but you also need protection. That's why I am choosing Jackson to be your protecter."

"It's Jack actually, Jack Frost," Jack mummbled under is breath.

"Now, (name), I must go, but since you are not used to having wings. I have called Lovely, Cupid's so called girl friend, over to teach you how to fly. She will be here in a few days. It is a long way from here to Greece. So, you should rest now, you are most likely going to need it," Manny said as he helped you up and gave you a hug. "Oh and Jackson, look after my daughter. She is so much like her mother, and I do not want to lose her."

Jack nodded, "Don't worry, I'll keep a good eye on her."

Manny kissed your head and let you go. And with a flash of light, he was gone. A smile crept it's way onto your face. For some reason, Manny actually felt like he was your father. Something was really familiar about him.

You smiled and looked up at the moon, "Love you dad."

"I love you also my dear (name)," said a voice in your head. You knew it was your father's voice.

"(name), Jack, stay here. The rest of us are going to see if there are any nightmares near the Pole. We should be back in a few hours," North said as he put on a huge coat with what looked like black bear fur along the collar. "Tooth, Sandy, Bunny, to the sleigh."

"Oh no, I'm not riding in that bloody thing," Bunny protested.

"Oh come on you big cry baby," North said as he grabbed Bunny's leather strap that held his bommerang to his back and dragged his off towards were ever the slay would be.

Jack laughed, "Well that's the first time I've seen the kangaroo get dragged off to the sleigh."

You laughed, "Why does Bunny not like the sleigh?"

"I think it has something to do with heights," Jack said with a small shrug.

You heard the sound of sleigh bells and the screams of Bunnymund go around the Pole and then eventually fade out. And thats when you knew that you and Jack had the whole pole to your selves.

"So (name)," Jack said. "What ya want to do now?"

A Thousand Years (Jack Frost x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora