Chapter 8

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For her, he waited, anxious to see her beautiful face once more. How he longed for the woman, his angel at a time when he was not one.

With life so uncertain he hadn't wanted her to leave his side, he needed her reassuring presence beside him at all times. She was the only thing that made sense in this bizarre and often hostile world, the only good.

He had begged and yet, she had left him. Leaving in her wake a feeling of dispair.

For one week he would have to survive without her. Seven whole days. An eternity in his eyes. What if something happened to her in her absence? What if he faded away? He would not get the chance to say goodbye, to gaze upon this delicate features he admired so much. What a tradegy that would be- one that would rival that of Romeo and Juliet. Or at least that was what the ex-angel thought.

As he lay there, in the bed that had once shared, he pulled her pillow to him. Her scent of shampoo, pine wood and something just...her, filled his sense. It consumed him whole and he gladly surrendered himself to the memory of her still and peaceful form.

So gentle and understanding she could be, so fierce and protective when required- a careful mix of strong yet tender that made up her soul.

He had always admired that about her. Loved the way she would do anything to keep him and the Winchesters alive and yet, even with all the hurt and gore she had seen, the female could still find some good in the world and help remind the boys that it existed, especially after a bad hunt.

No one could make you smile in times of anguish like Jane.

And with that thought in mind, the brunet resolved to be stronger for the one he loved. She had unwillingly left his side in search for knowledge, lore to help him recover or at least understand his symptoms and pain. If she could be strong, then surely he could too?

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