Hotel Cortez

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I had entered the hotel and made my way to the front desk, ordering a room. Surprisingly the rooms were cheap. Only taking a bit of the little money I had..  Then again as the musty smell of the hotel hit me,  and as I looked around at the old furniture and stained carpet,  I was no longer surprised by the price. I didn't mind of course.

"room 62" the woman had said as she slid me a key.  I took it not making eye contact and muttering a small and subtle 'thanks'. I looked around.. I was shaking.  I was scared.  And I was alone.  Looking up I noticed a bar. Making my way to it I decided to get a drink before going to my room, something to calm me down perhaps,  hopefully they wouldn't pay much attention to my age. Then again with the luck I had, I knew it wasn't likely that I'd successfully get one.  Nonetheless I sat down at the bar,  my eyes stayed on the counter instead of the flashy dressed woman before me.

"and... What can I get you..? " her voice cut through slowly as she leaned against the counter and eyed me knowing I was underage. I looked up meeting her eyes with a sigh. 

"I'll..  Take an orange soda?" it came out more of a question rather then a request but I gave a shrug as she raised an eyebrow and gave a slight nod.  As she turned to make my drink, I noticed a blue haired girl that sat next to me.  She gave a sigh herself as she was lost in though seemingly worried.  Almost as worried as me.  I looked over at the woman behind the counter once more as she cracked open my orange soda and winked at me as she spiked it.  She slid it to me with a smirk. 

"you look like you could use it Kid.. " she said as she turned her attention to the other girl.  "what can I get you Victoria?" she had asked in a monotone voice. 

"uh.. " the girl known as Victoria muttered as she snapped out of her trance.  "whiskey. Thanks Liz. " she had said as she forced a smile. She glanced at me a bit surprised by my presence as Liz went to get her drink. 

"your a little young to be out here by yourself.. " Victoria had trailed off as she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"your a little nosey.." I muttered with sarcasm in my voice as I sipped my drink slowly.  She raised an eyebrow at me. 

"I suppose we all have our reasons right? " she gave a faint chuckle as I kept my head down.  She took notice of my nervousness and nodded.  I glanced at her and finally realized..  She was feeling the same way I was.  Maybe not for the same thing.. But like she said we all have our reasons.  I looked up finally. 

"sorry.  That was rude of me.. " I said with a sigh.  "it's just been..  A long night.. "

"it has..tell me about it" she chuckled as Liz gave her,  her drink.  She took a sip as I awkwardly downed some of mine. 

"ever.. Feel out of place? " I asked her my voice a bit low.  She glanced at me drinking some more and pausing. 

"all the time.. Ever made a mistake..? I mean,  a mistake that can really impact everything..  Something you'd have to live with? " she asked back.  I looked at her and paused. 

"I'm sure I was the mistake.. " I gave a soft laugh as she replied with a chuckle. I yawned as I stood up taking my drink with me.  I then searched my pockets trying to remember where I had put my left over change. "um.. " I hummed out to myself. 

"don't worry bout it Kid.. " Liz said.  "on the house.. "

"thanks.. " I smiled a bit feeling more relaxed then earlier.  I then took my soda making my way to my room.

Permanently Gone (AHS Tate Langdon)Where stories live. Discover now