Silence falls for Eclipse

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Picture above is Eclipse


Me and Uma are currently hanging in Uma's mum's restaurant while Gil plays football with Spike on the ship and Harry is nowhere to be seen.

"It's nice to see Spike with someone other than me for a change" I say smiling "And it's nice to finally have some girl time" Uma replies as Ursula exits the kitchen. "How are my two evil girls" Ursula asks clapping her hands. "We're fine mum" Uma says before ordering a waiter to get some chips "How's the evil queen of the sea doing?" I ask hopping off the counter as Ursula laughs at my nickname for her "I like the nickname Tiger and I'm fine dear, well I'm off back to work" she replies heading to the kitchen "Don't work to hard" I shout to her then hear her chuckle "I swear my mum see's you as a daughter" Uma say sitting down on her thrown "Well we see each other as sister's" I reply lying down on my hammock next to her. "True, Very true" Uma admits before eating her chips

Suddenly the whole restaurant falls to silence as my barn owl Eclipse fly's in and heads towards me and Uma. I quickly sit up and reach out my arm so Eclipse can land on it; once Eclipse lands I find a note attached to her right leg, I quickly undo it and let Eclipse hop up to my shoulder before opening the note...

"STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS BEFORE I RIP OUT ALL OF YOUR THROATS!" I yell towards everyone in the restaurant because they are still silent.

Quickly everyone goes back to talking and Uma walks over to me as I open the note and read it out...

Dear Tiger

Gil lost me while he was looking for Harry and as we only stay on one part of the island I don't know were I am, so could you and Uma come find me please

From Spike

"GIL YOUR SO DEAD" I scream before me and Uma march out the restaurant and head to the football pitch.

<~ Football pitch ~>

When we arrive Gil is sat there laughing and joking with Harry which makes my blood boil... And I turn into my dad when my blood boils; I charge over with Uma beside me in a worried mood.

"GIL RUN" Uma calls from behind me.

Gil looks up to see me charging towards him as he gets up and legs it to the ship, I stop as Eclipse lands on my shoulder, Harry and Uma run to check on Gil leaving me with Eclipse.

"Lead me to Spike Eclipse" I order in a soft tone

Eclipse glide off my shoulder onto the air and fly's off with me running on the ground behind her.

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