Jealous Harry (part 1)

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I wonder why beast needs to talk to me... I haven't done anything bad... I guess I'll find out.

I knock on beast's door before entering.

"You wanted to speak with me Sir" I imply as I sit down

"Yes... you are very very good at science" Beast adds

"That is correct sir I'm top of my class" I add slightly confused on where this is going

"Good because there is a student that need tutoring" Beast informs me

"Ok who is it and when does it start?" I question not caring about tutoring someone

"You will be tutoring Liam, my nephew, and you start tomorrow but I want you both to know each other so I'd like you to meet him now Beast explains

"Very well sir" I reply

Suddenly the door opens and a cute guy walks in.

"You wanted me uncle?" He question seeming shy

"You wanted me uncle?" He question seeming shy

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(Liam above)

"Yes I have your tutor and would like you to get to know each other as your shy" Beast explains before sitting the boy in front of me, on the opposite couch.

"Hi I'm Tiger" I greet holding out my hand

"I- I'm L- Liam" He stutters shaking my hand

"Well it's nice to meet you Liam, tell me about yourself... if you feel comfortable" I add sitting back on the couch

"Well I'm 16, I'm the only child in my family and I swim... on the... other side" Liam explains

"OK I'm 18, I'm the oldest in my family, I have a younger brother called Spike, who is dating Rachel and I have a boyfriend plus don't be scared about being gay" I add smiling

"You seem surprisingly nice for a..." I cut him off

"For a villain, for Scar's oldest child. I know but I'm not my father... so we meet at room 258 tomorrow to being tutoring?" I say

"Yeah I'm ok with that" He replies

"See you tomorrow Liam" I say heading towards the door with a smile

"Bye Tiger" he replies getting out a sketch book

(Next day)

I'm just heading into room 258 to tutor Liam and as I open the door Liam is already here.

"Morning Liam" I greet walking to the front of the room

"Morning T... I can call you that right" Liam questions

"Yes you can... so what subject do you most struggle in science?" I ask

"Chemical reactions" Liam replies

"Ok let's begin" I start

(1 hour later)

"Great work today Liam wanna get ice cream" I admit

"Best tutor ever and yes" Liam cheers as they both head to the local ice cream shop

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