Jealous Harry (part 2)

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{Harry's P.O.V}

I had to speak to Jay this morning so haven't seen Tiger all day where is she.

"Hey guys you seen Tiger?" I ask as I meet up with the guys

"No sorry" Carlos says

"She's propably busy with the girls" Sebastian adds

"Um... isn that her?" Doug questions pointing to Tiger with a guy laughing and eating ice cream

"What?" I tell

"Harry he's probably just a friend Tiger's not like that" Ben adds

"Yeah your right" I reply

The same thing has been happening ALL week Tiger's brushing me off to hang out with this guy... today I'm telling her how I feel.

{Tiger's P.O.V}

Today is Liam's final test I just hope he passed. Anyway I'm hanging out with everyone and the guys, except Ben, are ignoring me.

"So Uma how's the relationship" I question

"Good what's up with Harry?" She asks

"I don't know" I shrug

"Tiger can I talk to you?" Harry asks

"Sure" I reply

Suddenly Liam comes running towards with his test and a frown which makes a stabbing pain in my heart.

"Hold on Harry" I say  before heading towards Liam

{Harry's P.O.V}

She's brushing me off for him again... I'm done.

{Tiger's P.O.V}

"Liam what happened?" I ask sadly

"I... I... I GOT AN A*" Liam cheers picking me up and spinning me around ( he's her height)

"You idiot I thought you failed" I whine punching his arm

"Sorry... so who's this Harry you told me about?" Liam asks

{Harry's P.O.V}

Tiger talked to him about me?

{Liam's P.O.V}

"Harry come here" Tiger calls

A very cute pirate boy in red stands up and walks towards us... man this girl is lucky.

"Hello Harry I'm Liam" I introduce myself

"Hi" He replies slightly angry

Suddenly Ben turns up with a sweet little boy, Rachel and my aunt and uncle.

"Liam I heard you past" Uncle says

"Yeah thanks to Tiger and her tutoring" I add

"Wait you were tutoring him" Harry asks

"Yeah... wait did you think I was cheating Harry I love you" Tiger explains

"Yeah and I'm gay" I add which shocks Harry

"Ok now I know hang out as much as you want but not too much" Harry explains which makes everyone laugh

"Party to celebrate Liam's A*" aunt suggests

Everyone cheers and we party the night away.

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