Returning home

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I walk out to the courtyard to meet the guys and mount Spirit before heading off to Auradon

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I walk out to the courtyard to meet the guys and mount Spirit before heading off to Auradon.

"So how's the queen of the outlands?" Carlos asks riding next to me

"I'm good, loving my crown" I reply with a smile forgetting my crown was on my head

"I'm good, loving my crown" I reply with a smile forgetting my crown was on my head

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(Tiger's crown)

" You became a queen before me" Mal adds

I just smile as the others flow into a conversation.

<Skip to Auradon>

Carlos gets off his horse first before stepping in front of the mini audience of our return.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce the queen of the outlands... Tiger Bullet" Carlos announces

I walk past him with Spirit and flick his head before heading to the stables and packing away Spirit.

Suddenly I feel a presence in the stables and I turn round to see Liam and two boy's with him.

"Hey Liam... who are your friends?" I ask

"Hey T, This is Shane... my boyfriend" he says gesturing to the guy on his left "and this is our mate Max" he finishes gesturing to the guy on his right.

 my boyfriend" he says gesturing to the guy on his left "and this is our mate Max" he finishes gesturing to the guy on his right

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"Hi" Shane shyly says with a wave

"Hello, Liam told us that you got him an A* on his science test" Max adds with a smile

"That's me, and my names Tiger Bullet, the first decendant of Scar and the queen of the outlands" I announce as I head to the front door of the stables

"Your really cute for a villian" Max adds following me

Suddenly I'm squashed at the hips by Rachel and Spike.

"Hey guys" I greet looking at them

"Tiger my aunt and uncle are throwing a party tonight and we want you to come" Rachel says

"Ok I'll be there I promise" I say giving Rachel a hug

Spike and Rachel skipped off holding hands which caused me to smile.

"arrh young love blossoming in Auradon" Liam says before I punch him in the arm

"Not cool Liam" I argue

~time skip~

Knock knock

"Come in" I call from Eclipse's perch

" Tiger please let me help you get ready for tonight's party" Evie begs entering my room

"Who's going?" I question

" You, me, Mal, Carlos, Jay, the girls except Uma, Rachel, Liam, Liam's boyfriend and friend"

"Shane and Max" I add

" What?" Evie questions

" Liam's boyfriend is called Shane and their friend is called Max... I met them earlier" I explain

"Oh well... Liam, Shane, Max, Ben, Beast and Bell, now can I help you get ready?" Evie finishes

"Yes" I agree

Evie cheers before running to the door.

"Evie" I call

"Yeah?" She asks turning around

"I will accept dresses" I add

Evie squeals before running to her room causing me to laugh.

<2 hours later>

(Evie was ready in the first hour)

"Done" Evie says

I stand up and we both head stand in front of the mirror.

I stand up and we both head stand in front of the mirror

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(Evie's outfit ^)

(Tiger's outfit plus makeup ^)

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(Tiger's outfit plus makeup ^)

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