Everyone has someone

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*the next day*

"Tiger there you are, can I ask you a question?" Carlos asks slightly nervous "You just did" I joke which takes away Carlos's nervousness as he chuckles "Well I'm having dinner with Jane and her mum what do I wear?" He asks "Be yourself Carlos wear something smart yet casual but most importantly wear something that express's you after all Jane did fall in love with you for you" I explain smiling "Thanks Tiger" Carlos cheers and walks off

I head outside to see Spike sat on the benches with a little girl around his age and I couldn't help but smile. I then head into the woods and relax on the hammock I made as Eclipse fly's up to the tree branch next to me.


I look down to see Dude asleep under my hammock, I get off my hammock and gently pick up Dude who just falls straight back to sleep in my arms and head out of the woods with Eclipse on my shoulder.

"Jay" I whisper shout and cause Jay to turn around and run over to me "Thank god Carlos is going crazy worrying about him" Jay explains taking Dude out of my arms "How long as he been missing?" I ask "Half an hour, come on Carlos is in the lounge" Jay says heading towards the school

<~ school lounge ~>

"Jay have yo- DUDE" Carlos cheers cuddling Dude "Tiger?" Spike asks holding hands with the little girl on the benches "Yeah Spike" I say with a smile "This is Rachel my... My girlfriend" Spike stutters

The room erupts with 'awws' as I crouch down so I'm face to face with Spike and Rachel.

"Well Rachel come give me a hug" I order with a smile "ok" she replies as she wraps he small arms around stomach

As I look around the lounge I see everyone has someone even Harry and Gil are sat laughing with a girls... I walk out of the room calmly and head to my hammock; I send Eclipse inside as it starts to ran and I just lie back on my hammock and let the rain beat against my skin.

{Harry's P.O.V} (a view change could be rare)

I head back to my room as very heavy rain starts to fall but as I pass Tiger and Uma's room I see Eclipse asleep and no sign of Tiger... She's probably with some girls.

2 hours later

"Hey Gil" I greet as I head to my bed "Hey man" Gil replies before heading to the bathroom and getting changed

I feel like I should check on Tiger... No she's probably asleep.

"Night man" Gil whispers as he turns off his light "Night" I reply before turning off my light

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