》01: red rose

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"Why do I see roses blooming deep in your eyes when you look at me and still claim I'm non-existent?"


The scent of sandwiches and a not-so-fresh salad was lingering in the air of the closed up newly cleaned room. Square tables were positioned neatly all around with grey linoleum underneath and who knows when will all of that beginning's neatness turn into a disaster.

Autumn's rain was pouring around the place, hitting huge glass door and blurring everyone's sights to withered rose bushes that bloom at their finest at the very beginning of spring. Nature's noises of tiny waterdrops furiously hitting all exposed surfaces were almost inaudible compared to the rising chatter of not-so-satisfied students.

Another college year began, and complaints were flying everywhere. From unhearable wails to shouts and eventually kicks to white tables and black chairs that fell down and caused noise none bothered to react to. Everyone had their own problems to deal with or didn't even find a need to budge at something that has nothing to do with them. At least, not when they're busy.

"I don't like my roommate," blond guy appealed as long as he laid his feet in the cafeteria. He sat down at their usual table which actually was two of them connected for everyone in their gang to have a seat at. He was eyeing his lunch with no interest at all. His lips formed a tiny pout which his friends cringed at but he was too busy to notice it. Luck definitely wasn't at his side - he was stuck with the bad roommate again. History seemed to repeat itself.

The year before, his roommate had quite a bad cleaning habit. He didn't even fold the sheets on his bed nor mind to open a window in the morning. The toothbrush was never washed and always left on the sink. Not like the blond should care, he keeps his things neat, but seeing dirty clothes and other used shit all over the floor really created an urge to vomit.

He was cleaning freak - he probably got it from his best friend but none could ever guess he would actually come over the limit and be even worse.

Jumping over things in a shared room is somehow tiring - it was like the worst nightmare and it kept repeating every single day. The bad smell couldn't exit their room for hours of keeping their window opened. He'd jump out of that same window just if he isn't such a narcissus.

It was the worst college year to him. He spent hours in his, already mentioned best friend's room though, but once his friend's roommate comes back, he is obligated to leave.
After that, he finds any other place to be in, he just doesn't wanna enter his own room.

"Luhan has really bad luck when it comes to roommates," Tall black haired guy, with somewhat charming eyes, noted, taking a bite of his chicken leg. It was a well-known fact that he'd sell his soul to demon just for chicken.

When one his friends turns around, he just takes his piece of meat and puts it down on his own plate, then act like he is clueless about his own existence on the world.

That was Jongin, a man everyone gets confused with due to a duality of his personality. Within a second he shifts from a heartbreaking-player-like image to a huggable softie you have an urge to protect forever. From famous killing smirks to pouts everyone melts at - Jongin captures plenty of hearts and holds them tight.

"Yeah, I do," Luhan agreed, pushing his plate to Jongin, muttering a soft "take it".
It's not like Jongin could oppose. He took it with a grin on his face, drifting himself away from the started conversation.

"So, Luhan, do we know your roommate?" Another tall guy asked.

"It's Byun Baekhyun."

"Our Baekhyun? Why would he be bad?"

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