》08: please don't

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"You hurt me as if I had a stone heart even though you knew the best I'm the glass inside."


No one expected rain to start pouring once again that day. Baekhyun didn't expect to share an umbrella with a person who never called him by his name.

But he almost had no choice.

As soon as he heard Taemin's full answer and glanced at two guys he shared a space with, he decided to leave wordlessly. Still, with a white rose in his hand which on his tight grip didn't lessen a bit. Even though it was thorny.

"But there is one person and it's Chanyeol."

It kept repeating in his mind and he was losing his focus that he didn't even notice a yellow umbrella hanging above his head, protecting him from rain that was falling furiously. He needed more than a dry head and less than someone's presence, being desperate just for any possible dry surface and oil colors spilled all over it. But, much before he could get a hold of anything he wanted, he realized who was by his side and he let him be despite everything.

He might hear explanation and let his mind rest partly, so he let Chanyeol, who seemed to be overly caring, be like that.

Chanyeol. Chanyeol. Chanyeol.

Baekhyun couldn't point at the importance of that very person and still needed him, needed plenty of explanations and needed to keep an eye on him - on a witness of the happening that could destroy him in seconds.

Baekhyun cared for himself in front of everyone else, but kept on killing himself alone.

Insides of his sneakers were even more soaked and outer look of theirs was noting better, but he failed to notice any, which in any other situation would be pretty bothersome.

As the walk prolonged, he tried his best to match Chanyeol's huge steps and ended up stepping in the dirty poodle every second time. It was frustrating and gradually, he was coming back to his senses, leaving a foggy other space behind and unwanted to ever come back to.

Baekhyun kept silent most of the time, but there came a point of annoyance he couldn't cross and that's how he came back to his usual, expected self.

"Walk a little bit slower, you dumb giant." There came an insult he wasn't even planing to release, but no one could know that, so he skipped an apology and let those small harsh words sink in other's ears.

"Be thankful I wanted to share an umbrella with you." Chanyeol threw back without sparing smaller a single glance. "I'm even holding it for us and you can't even match my pace."

Baekhyun didn't want to fight back at that point so he hopped beside Chanyeol silently.

"Chanyeol," he called as he tightly clutched onto other's denim jacket and made him stop in his tracks. Three imperfect seconds of word's silence were filled with melodious synced heartbeats, muffled by the wanted sound of the rain hitting dark road, even glasses and passing vehicles from the other, busier street.

Three seconds seemed like an eternity which prolonged to another one when Chanyeol turned to face Baekhyun. Breath was caught in his throat and he forgot to let it out until his lungs demanded oxygen and made him exhale and inhale shallowly trying not to show Chanyeol what the situation got him like.

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