im here

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finn turned around and put his phone in his pocket, to see someone he knew only too well.

he was shorter than finn had expected, but it just made him more appealing. his hair was curly, but somehow neat unlike finn's own. his dark eyes seemed to shine in the sunny glow of california's brightness. his smile was awkward, but nonetheless adorable.

"jack?" finn managed to say.

"duh. who else would i be? idiot." jack smiled as he walked closer to him.

"wow um, it feels kinda weird i mean, you're here. you're actually like, here."

"i'm here." he replied calmly. finn couldn't help it, he engulfed the smaller boy into a hug that was more like a tackle. fortunately, jack caught his balance before the two could fall and laughed. finn took in jack's scent, it smelled like the ocean, or maybe the salty smell was just from finn's tears of joy. the two were still in a little shock, and jack didn't know what to say.

finn just remained trapped in his eternal cloud of happiness knowing that he had met his one and only friend.

internet friends (fack/fick)Where stories live. Discover now