What have I done?

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 I blinked, then blinked again at the man in my arms, this wasn't suppose to happen, not at all. Here's the deal, I was named champion for Sheogorath and was trying to protect his world by preventing the Grey March from happening, when that didn't work I began a spell, one that would give Sheogorath and Jyggalag bodies of their own, but something went wrong and now here I am with an unconscious Sheogorath, Jyggalag was no where to be seen.
"My lord?" I looked up to see Haskill looking at his leader.
"Haskill" my voice slightly broke "tell everyone that the march has ended, the threat is over but no one is to enter this place" he was about to speak "I know I am not your lord but right now what choice do we have? You look after things when Sheogorath is away correct?" he nodded "so that means you have to take charge right now, I'll get one of the guards to help me carry him to his chambers"
Haskill looked hesitant but seeing as he had no choice, nodded before running out of the hall to address the citizens, a second later a Dark Seducer guard came in and halted, no doubt waiting for instructions.
"Help me get your lord on my back, then take me to a room that's either his master bedroom or one he likes using" I ordered.
The guard nodded and helped me pick the man up and onto my back, she led me down some corridors and into a bed room, definitely Sheogorath's as the room was very similar to his throne room (except this room had drawers and wardrobes), his bed cover represented the two colours of his realms, the pillows though were swapped round (purple pillow with orange quilt, orange pillow with purple quilt), the only thing that was slightly different was the (see through) white bed curtains that hung around the bed. I watched as the Dark Seducer opened the curtains before proceeding to help me place the Sheogorath onto the bed.
"Is there anything else you require champion?" she asked.
I knew I wasn't meant to do this but it was out of reflex, I felt Sheogorath's forehead and noticed that it was burning up "is it normal for Lord Sheogorath to have a high temperature?" could Daedre even get sick?
I noticed the Siren frowned "not to my knowledge, what is the best way to proceed?"
"Some cold water and a flannel are the only things I can think of right now, I dare not use healing magic because I don't know what it'll do to him" plus I stunk at healing, last time I tried it, I ended up exploding a near by tree instead.
The Siren nodded and told me to stay with her master until she came back with the items, it was strangely silent and not what I was used to in the Shivering Isles, I looked down and saw that Sheogorath was beginning to sweat, oh great Deadre beings please don't let him die or have gone mortal.
Soon the guard came back with the items and I began my work on trying to cool him down, now that I thought about it can Daedre eat and drink like us mortals? Or was it only if they were on Nirn? Shaking those thoughts aside I placed the cloth back into the bowl, squeezed the excess water out and dabbed it onto his forehead.
The door knocked and I called 'enter', I turned round to see Haskill with a small hint of a smile on his face.
"Everyone is celebrating that we no longer have to suffer the Grey March, how is the Master doing?"
"His body is warming up, I'm trying to keep it down" I gestured to the cloth I held in my hand "does your lord eat or drink?"
"He can but it is not necessary like you mortals"
I held up a hand to silence him when I saw Sheogorath's hand twitch, was he waking up? It twitched again, his whole hand shook as his nerves realised they could still work, his eyes began to twitch and the next thing I knew his eyes flew open and looked at the ceiling as if realising he wasn't in his previous location, he got up slowly and rubbed his head, no doubt he felt the after effect after he fell to the floor after my spell.
"My lord are you alright?" Haskill asked when he saw his master sit up.
Sheogorath said nothing other than gripping his head as if in pain, he grunted but said nothing, then he decided to look at me with a very cold and deadly look "I don't know who you are but I know you did this, what did you do to me? What did you do to my madness?"
I honestly wished the earth would swallow me whole at that moment.  

Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now