His Silver Butterfly

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Sheogorath rarely found it interesting when he interacted with sane mortals, the mad were entirely different, at least they kept things interesting in his realm, Tamriel was boring unless chaos was thrown into the mix, mortals were the batter, the land was the bowl, mix it all together and you get a fondue of his favourite work, hmm fondue...wait where was I again? Oh yeah, while Sheogorath thought all the mortals were the same, there was one in particular that caught his eye. It all started during the 3rd era and the mortal, who was a good friend to the Emperor had been given a task to save a spirit who could not rest, their destination...Daggerfall.

Throughout their journey Sheogorath watched and observed the mortal that could clearly defend themself even though they had some type of body gaurd, however the problem he had was that they walked with a hood that never showed their face, it hung over their face like a blind fold, why though? They could clearly see so why the fuss over a hood? And more importantly, were they worthy enough to walk his golden path? Or be his champion?

Confidence and fear poured from their body when they met in his sitting room, but what irritated him most was that he still hadn't seen their blasted face, more specifically, their eyes.
As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul and while Sheogorath never cared much for a mortals face (considering they all looked the same to him), he did want to know what could be hiding behind that ugly looking hood/blindfold, was it that they no longer had eyes? Were they seen as a mad person? No matter, Sheogorath always welcomed the imperfect with open arms, its what made them more 'unique'.
He watched as they grabbed the gem before dissapearing without a trace, a part of him hoped that they would meet again under better circumstances, and before their mortal time expired, oh what fun they would have.

As days turned into months Sheogorath was close to forgetting the hooded mortal, all that he remembered right now was their emotions eminating around their body and that stupid hood, it irritated him that he didn't know whether or not they were walking down his path.
All thoughts dissapeared when he felt the sensation of being summoned, perhaps this was the distraction he needed. He transported himself to the barrier between Oblivion and Nirn, and wouldn't you know it, another hooded figure stood infront of him, but he wasn't entirely certain this was the same one he had met before.
"Before we start lad/lass, I would like to know why ye hide behind tha' dreadful cloth"
The mortal tilted their head as if questioning why he said that, but they did reply "people think I'm a spwan of chaos"
This almost made Sheogorath spit and throw up in disgust, he would never stoop so low as to create a spawn of chaos like THAT, that was more Sanguines speciality.
"Show me your eyes"
The mortal flinched back "no disrespect my Prince but I would rather keep it on, for fear of your wrath, people say that my eyes are yours, but at the same time, I wish to know why I have them" they clutched their head in fustration.
"I can shift into any form as I see fit, ye would in no way be copying me look" Sheogorath chuckled at their foolishness.
The mortal tilted their head once again as if considering his words, then they pulled the hood down and Sheogorath was, for the first time in his existance not sure what to think. While it was true that he could shift into any form he desired, he always kept one thing, cat like eyes that shone a sun gold colour to make him more intimidating as well as crazy.
The mortals eyes were almost the same, except one of them was a silver/black-ish colour, it was like he was looking at Mania and Dementia again, and they were being held insde the mortals eyes. What's more, Sheogorath could finally gaze into their soul, and he was, to say the least, shocked with what he saw, all mortals held a seed of madness that was ready to bloom with his help. This mortal didn't have any seed at all, not even a leaf...wait a moment. He delved a little deeper, a bit more...oh yes, this was perfect, delicious even.
Sheogorath laughed, this was going to be one Oblivion of a time he would remember for the rest of the era.

I watched through this odd vision/memory as this hero , someone who looked like me, did what Sheogorath instructed them to do, and the way he looked at me, er, them was like one would to a child, a dad who wanted to see his child grow and share their unique gift/talent. That you shouldn't have to hide your real self but embrace it, everyone was imperfect in some way or form, although some people seemed to accept it more than others.
I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of screaming, then silence.
"I'm impressed mortal, none of me other followers have ever been able to complete this task" the way he said it sent shivers down both our spines "I believe you will find this more than suitable for yer future travels"
I didn't see what he gave them as everything went black, a new image then began to take its place but it was somewhere different, I watched as a blind folded person talk to someone that wasn't there, although it seemed like they were leaning towards something, or someone.
"For others, a bitter mercy, who or what am I?"
No reply, and I never got the chance to hear the reply as everything went dark again. Emptiness, the void.

"You still don't get it do you?"
I had a feeling I was not going to like what came next.

Another scene was in front of me, it looked like one of the temples in Morrowind, the person had a bandage wrapped around their eyes and they were holding onto something in a death grip. A muffled, male voice could be heard as he comforted the person.
"You really are the only one who understands what I'm going through" the blind one spoke "why though? Why me of all others?"
"Because you are the only one I've met that truly understands who I am, no one comes close to your level" the figure held one of the blind persons hands and began to dance to an un-heard tune, he hummed slightly as the person laid their head against his chest "if you would like, I wish to bestow you a gift" silence "I understand, take all the time you need, my silver butterfly"

Silver butterfly, join me, you are the only one who understands...why do you resist? I thought you understood me, understood what I am, who I am, but you left me. YOU LEFT ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE! WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME?! YOU ARE PERFECT FOR ME, AM I NOT PERFECT ENOUGH FOR YOU?! WHAT ELSE MUST I DO TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND?!


Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now