Together Forever

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What better way to celebrate today than with a foot long chapter of one of my most favourite characters.


What was going on? Where am I? Why is everything so dark?
Who's shouting? Everything feels so cold and empty.
Silver Butterfly, oh I wish you would wake up soon, you shouldn't sleep for this long even if you are a mortal.
That voice sounds like it's in pain. Why though?
Please, please Silver Butterfly, wake up.

Warmth, I finally felt warmer than wherever it was when I was...resting? Actually, what did happen?
"Your awake" the voice sounded like he couldn't believe it, next thing I know I'm encased in more warmth "oh Silver Butterfly I thought you would never wake up"
I looked at him in confusion "um, what happened?"
Sheogorath looked at me in confusion before he smiled in relief "that's to be expected, you hit your head pretty hard on that rock when Jyggalag attacked you" his face went dark "and that was the last thing he did in this realm before I woke up and kick his nasty suit out of this place" he shook his head before holding me tighter in his arms "but that doesn't matter, your awake" he giggled with glee "and since we are now bound in mind and soul" he nuzzled his face against my ear "all we need now is to bind in body to finish the ritual"
Ritual? What ritual? Did he mean- "you mean the one I had to do to keep you stable?" I was rewarded with a tap on the nose.
"The very one" he smirked "but don't worry, I won't be doing that just yet, your still sore from the fighting and since I am unable to interact much with you mortals, you are going to have to settle for the old fashion way, staying bed and letting yourself relax" having said that, he pushed me down as I tried to get up, I didn't want to stay in bed though "and don't worry about the door, we'll be staying on Nirn for a little while longer"
I sighed in frustration, no use arguing with an immortal being once they have something set, they have all the time in the world to be patient. Especially if one of them is stroking your hair as if you were a house cat.
"How long was I out for?"
"Long enough for me to be concerned that you would never wake up silver butterfly" he murmured gently, not even stopping his ministrations "now I know how mortals feel when they think a family member may never wake up"
I didn't say anything about that last bit, instead, I asked: "why do you call me Silver Butterfly?" I could feel him tense next to me "when I started the ritual, I saw things that looked like they happened a long time ago"
"Are you really this dense that you don't understand the pieces I have given you to finished the puzzle?" his tone sounded threatening "I'm not giving you any more clues, you have everything you need to piece everything together"
I frowned for a moment before replying with something that had been bugging me before the fight started "the only thing that came to mind was that I'm the reincarnation of someone that held your interest during an incident in Daggerfall and then Morrowind, but they were all in the Third Era, how can I be a reincarnation of someone-"
"You had a 'disease' and was said to be cursed by the gods" Sheogorath spat 'disease' as if it was a curse "in Daggerfall you were cursed with the eyes of a madman, when I looked at you I saw an eye that held Maina and the other held Dementia, but you were ridiculed and so decided to cover them" he looked at me with what looked like a fond expression "I was the first being to have ever seen your eyes apart from your parents, that aside you were the first mortal to have ever caught my interest"
I continued looking at him with deep concentration, I had never heard of this before. I doubt the family line knew about it either.
"After you laid a ghost to its final resting place, you continued to help others only to die during something called 'Battlespire', I began to forget about you after that until you literally walked blindly into my shrine in Morrowind, at first I had thought you were someone making a pilgrimage to seek my blessing, that is until I saw you were blindfolded, injured, and were simply trying to hide from the people you had irritated" he huffed lightly "being bored at the time I decided to pretend I was some person who had stumbled into the room, it was getting a little boring until you decided to ask 'do you like riddles?', and since I'm never one to back down from a challenge I asked you to tell me the riddle"

You cannot see me but you know I'm there,
I can be light and innocent as well as dark and dangerous,
Without me, you cannot dream
Without me, you cannot draw or write,
If there is no me, you would be dull and boring.

Imagine a perfect string of yarn
The thicker it is the stronger you are in mind,
One little snip is all it would take for a sudden change,
I come in many shapes and forms,
For some, they would consider it a curse,
For others a blessing
And the few left would consider it a bitter mercy.
Who or what am I?

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the riddle, I really made that riddle? Didn't even make any sense.
"That's exactly the look I made when they finished with the riddle, now, I had a feeling that I knew what the answer was, and since I was given free amount of guesses, I pretended that I had no clue what it was, the first answer was imagination, then it was memories and then the final one was thoughts" he chuckled "you looked so cute when I made the wrong choices, and your face when I got the right answer was well worth it" he laughed "when you finally got your senses together, you admitted that no one knew the answer to that riddle and that was why you were hiding, when you had told the others your answer they thought you were some nut job trying to spread my name, and since the Tribunal laws were still in place, the punishment meant death"
My breath hitched in my throat, I remember that from the trip to the library. But no one knew what happened to them, as far as anyone knew, Vivec was the only one who had fled Morrowind and was never seen again.
Sheogorath at this point decided to go back to stroking my hair/fur "anyway, you were really happy that someone answered correctly and didn't try to hurt you that you immediately thought of us as 'best friends', bere in mind that this was when you were a child, and that was the last time I saw you until you grew into a more good looking mortal, but this time you were attacked by a group who thought you were a disgrace and sought refuge in my shrine room again, you had thought I was your imaginary friend until you felt my solid form, nearly scared you out of your skin"
I felt my eyes getting heavier, but his words were still clear through my foggy vision.
"Long story short" his voice sounded like it was full of sorrow "I was going to tell you the truth about who I was when someone found out about our weekly visits, they took you away from me and told you who I really was, I never saw you again and when the time had come for you to die, I knew you had been sent off to the land of the 'good beings', I never thought I could feel so much heartache after that"
When did his arms get tighter?
"I gave everything I could to you, I gave my whole attention to you when you needed me, and you threw it all away, just for me being a Daedric Prince" his voice got lower until it turned into an animalistic growl "was I not enough? Did you crave the attention of a mortal to feel better?"
"Sheo-" a hand was met to my throat.
"Silver Butterfly, that was the name I gave you because your eyes reminded me of my land, your eyes were once sane and mortal looking, now after the ritual your eyes are back to what they once were, your left eye holds the colours of Mania while your right eye holds the colours of Dementia, are the gods toying with me? Are they trying to tell me something? Are they saying that no matter how many times I try, I can never keep you by my side for all eternity?"
I tried moving his hand, it was getting tighter and I was beginning to feel faint.
"Well the jokes on them, this time I'm going to bind you to me so that when you die on Nirn, you'll be coming straight here"
With those words he moved so that he was on top of me, straddling my waist and holding my hands above my head. At least I could breathe again.
"Sorry about your throat" I doubt that Sheo "but when I'm done with you, your throat is not going to be the only thing sore"
"Wait, I thought you said you were going to let me rest" is he going back on his word? Please don't.
This made Sheogorath stop in his movements, he looked irritated until he saw my face, which was no doubt showing fear and panic. He sighed in what sounded like frustration as well as sadness.
"I did promise you that didn't I?" he confessed as he moved off of me into his previous position "and you are right, your too sore to feel the full pleasure of what I want to show you, oh well, you have two days before I have to leave Nirn for good" I could faintly hear him mutter under his breath 'stupid bargin'.
Reality finally hit me, two days, that's the time I had left in this world before I would have to go back home. Home. That' didn't seem to feel right.
No matter, I'll sleep, for now, I want to spend as much time as I can with Sheogorath before I have to go back.

It's been really weird, Sheogorath has only left my side when he needed to sort out his land (or at least what order there is in the world of chaos and madness), when everything was sorted, he would be lying with me and stroke my hair in a calming gesture. Although I was surprised when he suggested he do a massage for me.
"Do you even know how to do a massage?" I wasn't criticizing him.
"If you recall when I was new to the body, you had helped me by rubbing that oil into my arms" Sheogorath retorted "consider this a way to repay you for all the work you've done"
"No catch?"
Sheogorath held both hands out "hunters honor"
I mentally shook my head, while I was curious as to what he would do, I must admit I was a little nervous.
"You've never had a massage before have you?"
"I give the massage, I've never been on the receiving end" I admitted "not comfortable with physical contact"
"Because of what you've had to go through?" I looked at him in shock "your forgetting that we share our minds as one on a more intimate level than what I'm used to with my subjects, I know that what you went through as a child messed you up so badly that your scared of contact from anyone you don't trust"
I looked down in shame, knowing he was right, while hair stroking was considered physical contact, it was the only thing that I actually enjoyed. It was the one thing mum used to do with me before she found out I wasn't...normal.
I flinched when he placed his hands on my arms, gently pushing me onto the bed (that for some reason happened to be the land I ruled over and not Sheogorath's room), I watched him carefully as he reaches for the bed draw and picked up the bottle I had used on him a while ago.
"We'll start with what you did for me, then we'll stop for the night"
I couldn't help but look outside, his night sky always made feel calmer when I was stressed, it was certainly more beautiful than the sky back on Nirn.
"Even though I shouldn't, I trust you Sheo" I replied to him "I always have, even when I thought you deserted me"
"You know that I can only do so much when it involves Nirn" the oil was placed in his hand and he began to rub it before he started on my naked arms "if I had my way, you would never have stayed there in the first place"
We stayed silent after that, my arms tensed up when Sheogorath hit a really bad spot but otherwise I was fine. When he moved onto my other arm I couldn't help let out a sigh of content.
"Not as bad as I first thought" I mumbled to myself, enjoying the warmth and feel of Sheogorath's fingers as they dug into my skin.
"That might be because I'm the one doing this" he chuckled "I'll need to learn how to do a back massage next time"
My hand swung to his arm to stop his movements, he looked at me with slight alarm. I just calmly move my hand up his arm and onto his cheek "when the time comes" I said softly to his face "I'll give you so many massages that you won't want to go outside the palace even if it's an emergency"
There was a wicked glint in his eye as he leans in until our noses briefly touch "is that a promise?" he whispered, but I could detect an animalistic tone.
"What do you think?" I wrapped my legs around his waist before using my arms to wrap around his neck and hold him there "now please Sheogorath, finish the bond, I want my first time with you to be memorable"
Yeah, I've never been with anyone my whole life, I had promised myself that if anyone was able to win my heart, I would give it to them. Bonding with Sheogorath was just icing on the cake.

(It's not very descriptive but it is a lemon, if you want the censored version I have it up on Deviantart, here is the link

I nearly squealed when I felt all my clothes disappear in the blink of an eye, though I didn't have long to think about it as Sheogorath descended upon me and gave me my first kiss.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment Silver Butterfly" he growled in my ear as his hands roamed all over my arms and shoulders "you'll have no one else but me, if they so much as touch you wrong, I'll rip their intestines out and skip rope with them"

With that, he took his clothes off and pressed his entire body onto mine like some kind of human blanket, although guess it should be called a 'daedre blanket'.

The room was beginning to heat up with the sounds of our breathing filling the empty space, but I paid no mind to it, all I wanted was this magnificent creature in front of me, I didn't care if he stopped looking at me like this after a few years of separation, I would take what I could from him and give him whatever he wanted in return.

I really was addicted to madness and chaos, wasn't I?

"AH!" I didn't realise Sheo had bitten me in the shoulder until he punctured so deep that I felt something drip down my shoulder, then to hear him mutter 'mine' in a trance-like state was enough to make my body burn in excitement.

Screw my fear of contact, I want to see where this leads.

As if hearing my silent pleas, I felt something worm its way down my private area, it was his fingers, I flinched and tensed up at the intrusion, I'm surprised he was willing to be patient with me on this.

"This is your first time as you said so yourself" oh yeah, the bond "and while I'm honored to be your first, I must warn you that I will not be so soft later down the path" he finished stretching me and then got into a better position so we were face to face.

I was shaking by this point and let out a cry as he entered me, this stung so much, I felt like I was being torn apart. But why did it feel so good?

"Yours, and now your mine"

I clung to him harder as he pounded into me, this feeling was something I had never felt before, how could I have never wanted this?

"Sheo, I feel funny" I wheezed out.

"Don't fight it, scream my name when you explode"

As if on demand I screamed his name as a rush of adrenaline hit the metaphorical wall and it felt like fireworks had just been set off. We really need to do that again.

(Lemon ends here)

As soon as Sheogorath collapsed to the side I didn't waste any more time curling up to him, my eyes getting heavy and my body feeling tired and sore from what we had just done.
"Mind, soul, and now body" if it wasn't for the sweat coming from Sheogorath, I'd say he hadn't been affected by what we just did.
"Finally caught you, my silver butterfly"
"Yes you have Sheo, yes you have"
We both stayed in the embrace, knowing that tomorrow would be my final day here on this plane. But that's okay, I'll see him again when it's time for my time to leave Nirn.

Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now