The Final Battle

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The song at the top inspired and helped me finish the chapter because I was having a hard time finishing and making it, it has nothing to do with the story itself, other than that enjoy. Also near the end, there will be mentions of blood and violence. Don't worry, the story hasn't finished yet.

Considering I sucked at persuasion, it took me nearly two hours to convince the mad people to help me in making bombs with the items I had in my satchel let alone ones of their own making.

I was now on my way back to the city with a satchel full of bombs and booby traps, which had taken an extra hour to do. So now I was three hours behind on sabotaging the area.

But now the real question decided to fill my erupting thoughts, where would be the best places to put them so I could take out the most?

I clearly haven't been sleeping as well as I had hoped.

"AH!" what the-? Oh come on, another headache? This is the second one I've had today and if this keeps up I will not be getting anything done.

Silver, butterfly Sheogorath? Oh, how I miss your touch, your warmth, your skin. Save my realm, and then we can be together, again.

My vision blurs and fades to darkness, then I see all the crystals that dotted the Shivering Isles before it shifts to the army that has just gotten through the Fringe, how was that possible?

The images disappear and I find myself on the ground staring at the setting sun.

Wait, setting sun, HOW LONG WAS I OUT FOR?!

"My liege, are you all right?" I turn slightly to see a Seducer as well as a Saint looking at me with some concern on their faces.

"The champion is unavailable at the moment" those were not my words, nor did I have two voices when talking, but judging by how they were bowing I didn't need to guess who it was "my little champion has made good progress, take this bag to all the grey crystals that ruin my land, and find suitable places to hide them, the land will do the rest"

Both soldiers answered with a 'yes my Lord' before the Gold Saint grabbed the bag and both walked off further into the wilds.

"Congratulations Silver Butterfly, you've just unlocked minefield" my voice mixed with his chuckled darkly "I wish I could stay but this is taking a large toll on me, I wish I could wake up and help but with the threat so near I have to stay asleep and protect what I can, not to mention this will certainly benefit the battle"

Your having way too much fun with this aren't you? I thought to my self.

"Chaos and madness is what I am little butterfly" for a moment I thought I felt fingers running through my hair "until the battle ends, silver butterfly"

The weird sensation I felt at the back of my head disappeared, leaving me wondering if that was really him or just my desperation that he was still 'alive'.

The ground rumbling brought me out of my thoughts and nearly threw me off balance, that's right, since the guards were doing the task of setting the traps for me, I needed to head back the New Sheo and help the Commander (the one you didn't side with) and help with the preparations of a good defence and counter attack.

This was going to be fun.

"You have returned successfully I take it" Haskill stated the second I stepped into the throne room.

"Sheogorath is still 'alive' but he has deliberately not woken up yet because he needs to keep his land alive" I replied bluntly as I sat near the throne. I had just come back from a meeting with the leftover soldiers, working with a Captain that isn't too fond of you can take its toll on anyone, thankfully we were able to get some strategy done. And just in time too, for it was nearing the end of the day.

Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now