Battle, Invasion, a plan?

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Darkness, weightless, drifting in the endless void. I hope the dread father doesn't find me.

I see something, a tiny spark of light swirling with gold with light purple, something is pulling me towards it, I need to go to it, I felt empty until I saw its light, I floated towards it with my arm stretched out, almost there...almost...I blinked, then nothing.

Clashing, clanking...the sound of metal hitting metal could be heard, but I can't move, my body feels heavy and my eyes feel like they are on fire, must...get...up.

My eyes flew open and the first thing I heard was the sound of metal clashing against metal, roars that didn't sound human nor beast, my body shot up as if waking from a nightmare. Once my eyes managed to adjust to the brightness of the room I was met with a shocking sight, creatures in grey armor were attacking a man in clothing as well as gold and blue-skinned women in gold and black armor, where am I?
Help them, remember
I didn't bother to question the voice as I decided to help the man and women soldiers as it was clear that they were in danger, I pulled my weapon out and didn't hesitate to slash the grey warrior that was about to strike the man from behind.
"I see you're awake" he said.
I didn't say anything as another warrior tried to strike, I threw a spell at it and it incinerated before my eyes. With every strike I blew, the more I began to remember what happened before I passed out, and every blow that struck down a grey warrior I felt more determined, stronger and angrier.
"I'm guessing it didn't work" there were fewer soldiers, allowing him to talk.
I ducked as another soldier swung their sword for my neck "my body is tingling all over, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but seeing as I am still alive and kicking" decapitated a daedres head "I'll go for good"
Haskill blocked an attack before attacking with ice, cool.
"The ritual didn't say anything about what comes afterward" a stab to the stomach and slice at the neck "I'm guessing it will take a while"
"My lord does love making dramatic entrances" another dodge and fireball to the stomach.
"If he does then lets get these guys out of the throne room, I do not want to be in the line of fire when he sees the mess" especially since the tree behind his throne was missing a few branches and looked close to falling apart.
"For once we agree on something"
We stayed silent after that, dodging and casting spells left, right and center, with Haskills help we managed to drive them back into the city, though I didn't have time to observe the scenery as another wave of Daedric creatures swept into the city. Let's get this over with.

"Sheogorath, waking up would be really good right about now" I called out towards the castle.
I have no idea how long we've been doing this for, the sun was close to setting and my energy was running low, half of the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers were wiped out and while Haskill didn't look close to wearing himself out, I'm not sure how long we can keep this up for.
Then something strange happened, the creatures stopped in mid-fight, completely frozen, then they relaxed and walked out of the city? What in the name of Oblivion is going on?
Nobody dared to attack them in fear of them being provoked, they even looked like they were contemplating victory, but something told me this wasn't the end of it.
Once I was sure the enemies army were out of hearing distance, I ordered a Golden Saint and a Dark Seducer to stand watch and to inform me if anything was to appear. For once they didn't argue that they had to work with the 'enemy' and did as they were instructed.
The remaining soldiers were given different orders from their commanders so I decided to limp my way back to the castle, Haskill following close by.
I'm surprised there was little damage in the throne room to be honest (the tree didn't count), considering there was a fight in here not minutes ago.
I continued to limp all the way to where Sheogorath resided and sat in front of his throne with my legs stretched out, just looking at him with his arms crossed over his chest, if I hadn't known any better, I'd say he was sleeping.
"This is a fine mess I've walked into" I mumbled to myself.
I observed the crystals that were still glowing, including my item, the line connecting them both seemed to be vibrating with raw magic.
"I really hope you wake up soon Sheogorath" I said softly to his sleeping figure "because I don't know how much longer I can take this, your people need you my Lord"

Haskill observed the champion/ruler of Dementia/Mania as they continued to mutter at the unconscious form of his Lordship, how strange it was to see a mortal talking to his body as if he was any other mortal, he would dare say that he found it slightly amusing to watch.
He calmly walked towards the champion and waited for them to notice him, then he kneeled down and began casting a simple healing spell on their body "I must say, I am impressed with how you handled today"
The champion snorted "it would not be the first battle I have been in, I doubt it will be my last"
Once Haskill had finished casting, the champion began to rub their sore muscles and shifted their legs as if to ease the pain. He watched them for a moment before getting up and ordered some scamps to clean some of the mess up before they could have dinner, which was eating the flesh of dead daedre in the city.

I didn't say anything until I decided to pull my legs closer to my chest and place my head on top of my knees.
"I know he is the embodiment of chaos, but would he deliberately try to mess up his own plane for his own amusement?"
"His will is his own and is as predictable as the weather on Nirn" " was all Haskill said.
I didn't bother saying anything after that, I just continued to look at Sheogorath like some lovesick puppy, those images I had seen while under the ritual still plagued my mind, his silver butterfly? Was I the reincarnation of someone who understood madness on a similar level to Sheogorath?
AH! this was giving me a head-
I began to cough really badly until I felt something wet coming up from my throat, I hunched over and coughed even harder and was slightly surprised to see blood splattering the floor.
Once the coughing subsided, a headache began to grow until it was so painful I had to curl up and hide from the light, what was going on with me?
"What's the matter with you now?" I heard Haskill speak.
I couldn't say anything, the pain was too intense and I'm sure I whimpered at one point. Faint whispers and sounds could be heard, quietly at first, then they grew louder, were they real? Or were they all in my mind?
Images flashed before my closed eyes, soldiers in grey armor marching through a bleak looking meadow towards a wall that held the only colour left in the realm of Madness, the walls and building (looked like a tower) stood out more than the dead looking plants and trees surrounding it. I knew that place anywhere, it was New Sheoth.
"" I felt liked I had just been punched in the stomach "coming"
I didn't see Haskill giving me a look.
"Jyggalag doesn't...know...about your...Lord still...being alive" slowly the pain began to subside, making it easier to form the words "trying to...invade"
The pain stopped so suddenly that I was thrown onto my back and gasping for breath, wow, the ceiling looked nice.
I never saw Haskill frown "if what you say is true, then how do you know of this?"
Once I was able to get my breath back and under control, I replied with "images, I think the spell worked, if the land is a part of Sheogorath then your lord might be using that connection to tell me what's happening" it certainly made sense and since I am now connected to Sheogorath he could use that to his advantage, given that he can't talk right now.
Hold on, there were soldiers in that image, does that mean-...oh no.
I sat up with fright but determination "Haskill there's another wave coming and it will be stronger than the last one"
Haskill eyed me with a sharp look "if you are correct in Sheogorath giving you these visions then could you estimate the amount you saw?"
"There were over a hundred beings, most of them coming from those random crystals that are scattered throughout this realm, but it seems that Jyggalag is desperate otherwise he wouldn't have asked help from the lesser beings like the scamps or clannfears"
Silence filled the room before Haskill finally spoke "considering the forces we have left we would only be delaying the attack" that didn't sound like him "I doubt even you would be able to delay all of them"
I thought for a moment, then I remembered an old trick an Alchemist had taught me, did I have any left in my bag?
"Maybe not by myself" I stated and I pulled my bag from behind the throne "what about the Mania and Dementia people, surely they might have some ideas that will help"
"They are all unstable, at least the Dementia ones" Haskill started "but if I recall correctly there are some residents that are very creative when it comes to exploding things or injuring others"
I looked inside my bag and saw a dozen fire salts and kindle pitch, good, I can use these to make a firebomb, maybe an ice bomb if I have any frost salts with me.
"Alright then, give me the names and where they live, I'll head over and ask them in helping make more bombs, we have until tonight before they attack again and I am not going to sit around and twiddle my thumbs when they appear"
As I checked I had my ingredients as well as my weapon, Haskill gave me the names of people that I needed to see, I knew some of them, so it wouldn't take long to find them. The ones that lived outside the city were going to be asked by the soldiers as they scouted and patrolled for enemies.
"You continue to surprise me every second champion" Haskill said as I placed my bag on my shoulder "that is a rare accomplishment"
"What can I say, I'm full of surprises" I didn't really mean those words, but I was too concentrated on the task I was going at the moment "keep an eye on Sheogorath, I'll be back as soon as I can"
As I headed for the door that would lead me to Bliss, I could have sworn I heard Haskill talk to Sheogorath.
"They haven't changed a bit, have they, my lord?"  

Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now