Sheogorath x reader

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Warning, blood and torture are in this so don't read if you are not into that

Everyone in the Shivering Isles knew about Sheogorath's twisted sense of humour, they have seen him on his good days and heard his dark words, but none had ever really seen him in a dark mood and if they did, they wouldn't be alive to tell about it.

I have always served Sheogorath faithfully and reveled in the chaos he brought onto others, I giggled when I thought it was funny but other than that I always stuck to the shadows and out of sight until I was called to clean or cook something for his Lordship, that is until one day.

I remember cleaning the floors of the blood from a recent killer who thought it would be a good idea to attack his Lordship (who then blew them from the inside and had their bodies feasted on by rodents and flesh atronaucs) when I heard a distant rumble from outside. That could only mean one thing, Sheogorath was angry and was looking for blood, literally. I know this because during these rumble storms I have never seen Sheogorath for the whole day, then the following day I see him he looks a little dazed, more than he normally does. I never reaslied someone was walking behind me until I was hit on the head with something, I blinked then found myself in a room specifically meant for torture, the room began to darken to the point where I couldn't see anything.

I heard only my breathing as I was chained to the wall, my arms were held up but bent at the elbows a bit and my feet were firmly on the floor, however, I was facing the wall, my head to the side and my back visible to the person who kidnapped me. I guess I should be grateful that I still had my clothes on.

"M-My Lord?" I stuttered, only Lord Sheogorath and his assistant could teleport around the Shivering Isles, there could be no other person could there?


"AH!" I cried out as tears escaped my eyes, that stung.


It was beginning to get more ruthless but I didn't dare question it if this was the will of Lord Sheogorath then so be it.

I felt something get poured onto my back and I swear that my back was on fire, I screamed at the top of my lungs so loud that I thought the entire Isles could hear me, but I didn't dare hope. My body then got pushed further against the wall as my abuser pushed me with his body pressed against me.

"If you are here to break my will forget it" I managed to grit out despite the pain I was in "I will never submit myself to anyone other than Lord Sheogorath"

I felt a breath of air on my face as if the abuser didn't believe me, at the side of my vision I noticed a red hot poker and some knives neatly assembled on a table. I was then flipped around and my back was slammed into the wall causing me to cry out again, it felt like a 100 hives of bees had stung my back then being drenched in freezing cold water. I tried to look around but all I saw was darkness aside from a window high above me, there was little light coming from there though so I still could not make out my torturer.

I heard a ripping sound and could do nothing to stop this person as he ripped my outfit off me, I saw white as something only be described as lava touched my hip, my screams seemed to rattle the room I was in, then the pain left and went for my right thigh, I tried to bite my lip but my voice had other ideas.

The pain left once again and I panted for breath, my throat was dry and I swear I had an apple lodged in my throat, but I didn't have time to think as something sliced against my collarbone.

I gasped and hissed, it stung. I felt it again on my oppisite hip and thigh, they were fast and clean, but why?

"AAH!" something sharp went into my shoulder then into my hand.

It became a stabbing game after that, the knife went anywhere it could sink its teeth into, I felt like I was some type of practice dummy, gods if this is how the dummy's felt then I will make sure they are never used like that again.

Do you submit? asked a voice.

I spat in the direction of the voice before realising that I was beginning to lose my bearings, I was slapped hard on the cheek but no other sound was heard.

"I serve only Lord Sheogorath" I gasped.

He has deserted you, he does not want you.

I didn't give into the voice "if that is true then so be it, I will stay loyal to him to the very end"

You sound like a lovesick puppy, would you care if it was Sheogorath that was attacking you?

"I don't care, if it is Sheogorath that is doing this then I welcome the pain if it pleases my Lord and Master" I grew tired, I'm surprised I held on this long.

The last thing I saw and heard before I fell was a pair of gold cat eyes before they disappeared in the black fog.

I felt myself drifting aimlessly in a sea of black ink, or was it black water that looked like the sea? Whatever the case I had my eyes closed and they refused to open, that was until I felt something touch my mouth and something slid down my throat, it tasted like that drug in Mania and had been dipped in Holy Water, it tasted of my Lord and I wanted it, I wanted to find him and tell him how faithful I am to him even after the torture I had gone through.

I tried to draw myself closer to this feeling, I could feel another presence in the back of my mind but ignored it.

The darkness began to fade and I saw butterflies before my I was finally able to open my eyes, and was greeted with the sight of Lord Sheogorath looking at me with that insane look of his, oh how I missed his face.

"Enjoy your little nap?" he asked.

I waited for the pain to start but nothing happened, I shot up like an arrow and examined my body, at least the parts that were visible, there were no wounds but my head was pounding.

"What, happened?" I groaned to myself.

"I found you laying on the floor with a bucket over your head" Sheogorath giggled "what were you doing, making a dance about a bucket? HA HA"

"I thought that..." I trailed off.

"You thought?" Sheogorath sang "and don't, lie"

"I remember being hit by something, then I was in a room where you entertain your 'unwanted guests' and then I was tortured by someone, or something" I gripped my head harder, "I thought it was you because of the sky"

"The sky?"

"I've noticed that when you have a bad day a storm starts and appears in the wilderness of Maina and Dementia, anyway there was a voice telling me to submit to another person, to abandon you my Lord"

"Sounds like you had one Oblivion of an adventure in that pretty head of yours" he tapped (surprisingly) gentle on my forehead "I think I will let this one slip and give you the day off, you look like you need it, stay here and get some sleep" he turned to leave "oh and in your little 'adventure' did you submit to them?"

"No my lord" I bowed my head to him "I follow you to the end"

I watched as Sheogorath waved his hand and left in a flock of butterflies, pretty. I looked back at my hands, was it really all a dream? Was it all in my head?

I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my servants quarters, I was in a room that belonged to a king until I noticed the colour of the bed and realized, I was in Lord Sheogorath's room?

"Was it really a dream?" I gripped my head as another pain waved over me, it couldn't have, it felt so real.

What do you think?

I looked up and the last thing I saw before darkness took over was a pair of gold, cat-like eyes.

Sheogorath x Champion (Reader): The fall into madness (requests included)Where stories live. Discover now