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          IT'S HARD TO REMEMBER AVERY AND I ARE THE SAME AGE AND HEIGHT. Ever since I first ran into her this morning (better yet, she ran into me), all I could focus on was how tiny she looked at times, especially when the cold weather nearly knocked her out, but, now that there's some color on her cheeks and she's standing firm, she could almost pass for Wonder Woman.

          I mean, standing up to Blake is something pretty impressive to me, even though Faye told me once he used to be a lot worse back in high school and has softened up a considerable amount since then, and she's much, much smaller than him, still managing to hold her ground. Arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly puckered, she's something to be reckoned with and I fear Blake might be underestimating her a bit, even if he knows her a lot better than I do.

          You can't un-know someone. You can try to forget all about them, but they never truly leave you, especially when you're talking about someone who used to be your best friend; I could try to make this all about me and Natasha, but their situation is different from ours and much more worrisome.

          Natasha and I fell out because she couldn't reciprocate my feelings, was too busy with her own issues and stepped away to protect us both . . . or so I'm assuming. Avery and Blake fell out because she was pregnant with his dead best friend's baby and pushed everyone away just to prove she could do it, but I suspect there must be a lot I don't know about it, as I doubt their friendship would simply break over that.

          It's not like I've ever been in the situation both of them are in, but they were best friends ever since they were born, which means there had to be something much more brutal than that to break them apart. You can't simply walk away from your person and call it a day, no; it can be quite a long process, especially if it wasn't out of mutual agreement, with one of your ties with the other refusing to snap.

          As curious as I might be (which is quite a lot) regarding the outcome of this conversation, part of me doesn't really want to stay around to eavesdrop and invade their privacy. When I try to take a step out of the room, Avery straightens herself and prevents me from leaving, pressing a hand against the doorway and creating a barrier with her arm, as they need someone to serve as Switzerland.

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