The New Boy

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It was just another summer morning at school, as boring as cats and dogs raining from the sky. Life was contemplated by the students whom were sucked of their soul by the heat and boredom of the early day. The day was young and they could only ponder how bad the rest of the day will go. Or how more boring it could get.

As of usual, the clock struck eight and the old math instructor, Mr. Park, barged in, opening the door with such force that his entrance seems to be almost grand... Too grand for a cranky old man.

The class bustled quickly, running from their little groups of friends and scattered to their respective seats. Adjusting their postures on their chairs they pulled out the books out of their bags or under their tables, preparing themselves for class. The whole class was much too busy to notice the young boy stepping in after Mr. Park.

"Ok, class. Attention please. I have an announcement to make." He clapped his hands loudly against his books to achieve the kid's attention. "We have an additional student as of today. Do introduce yourself." He nodded to the boy behind him.

The young boy stepped up to the middle of the class and cleared his throat before he bowed down in greeting. "Hello... My name's Yoo Kihyun. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Park looked at him, a little taken back by the short introduction and he arched his brow to confirm to the boy that he was done with his speech. When Kihyun nodded awkwardly the old teacher sighed and pointed at an empty desk by a tall pretty boy. "You can sit there.. besides Minhyuk."

"Thank you." Kihyun bowed to the teacher before making his way to his desk.

His new table mate greeted him with the brightest smile. "Come come! Here sit down!" He said in a friendly manner.

Kihyun nodded a little awkwardly as he took off his bag. Minhyuk took it from his hand and hung it behind the chair. "Aight~ Sit down, sit." He patted the chair as he adjusted his sitting position.

Kihyun sat down, "Th-thanks~"

"I'm Lee Minhyuk by the way!" He offered a hand to the new boy, his ever so bright smile never leaving his face. "Let's be the best of friends!"

"Ah- s-sure~" Kihyun smiled back at his new friend and shook his big warm hand. "I'm Yoo Kihyun-"

"I know." Minhyuk laughed as he ruffled the boy's hair. "You've already said that."

"Oh.. yeah." Kihyun chuckled, a little embarrassed but also in amusement for Minhyuk washed away his awkwardness so easily.

"Let's get along well~"

The lunch bell rang and everyone flooded out of the class rooms like hyenas out for kill. Kihyun waited until it quieted down a bit before stepping out. Minhyuk who is usually one of the first hyenas stayed with him like a good friend, although a little fidgety to run out with the rest of the pack.

"It's gotten quiet... let's go!" Minhyuk took Kihyun's wrist gently and ran out the classroom, pulling the other behind him. "We got to hurry. Only first comers get the steak!"

"Steak?- Really.." Kihyun nodded as he tried to maintain the same speed as the the taller boy.

Minhyuk let go of Kihyun's hand as he shot towards the cafeteria when they turned to the corner. He skidded by the entrance like the hungry ball of sunshine he is and ran in line, murmuring a prayer so he could get a steak. Kihyun followed after him chuckling.

"Oi, Minhyuk."

Minhyuk and Kihyun both looked towards the direction of the voice. A boy with a pretty face in the school's track jacket waved a hand as he jogged to the two.

"You came late! There's no more steak." The boy told him.

Minhyuk whinnied like a little boy who didn't get his candy. "NOoooHhh!"

The senior laughed. "I got a tray for you don't worry."

"What REALLY?!! AHHHH Wonho BROOOO you're the best!!!" Minhyuk practically jumped on the senior, hugging him tightly.

Wonho chuckled as he pet Minhyuk's back and wheezed a little from the lack of hair that Minhyuk had deprived him of for a moment. His eyes would come to rest on Kihyun and he blinked at him before a friendly smile spread on his face. "Hello. You're new here aren't you? I haven't seen you around." The senior spoke as he looked Kihyun, not really minding the ball of sunshine clinging on his back after a few seconds.

"Ah, Hello I'm-"

"He's Kihyun from Class B. He's a new student bro." Minhyuk babbled on, cutting Kihyun's sentence.

"Oh really?!" The senior would smile at him and offered his hand. "I'm Shin Hoseok. Most call me Wonho tho. I'm the ace of the athlete team here and the school's pride.~"

Minhyuk hit the older's shoulder playfully. "He's just the handsomest one around Kihyun. He's more prideful than anyone I know." Wonho frowned at Minhyuk, making an annoyed tsk noise with his tongue.

Kihyun laughed and shook the senior's hand. "Ah right.. Nice to meet you."

Minhyuk would then rested an arm over Kihyun's shoulders. "Let's go eat some lunch then! Wonho lead the way."

Wonho shook his head and turned around, walking to a table in the middle consisting of three guys. Minhyuk spied the waiting tray for him and leaped in to eat.

"Don't mind him. Minhyuk is a.. foodholic for steak." Wonho smiled at the shy Kihyun.

"I see." Was all Kihyun could say as he chuckled in amusement at the eating boy.

"Ah! You haven't eaten right?" Wonho asked him

Kihyun looked at him and shook his head politely. "It's alright thank you. I- I'll go get some later."

"Oh- Ok. Don't starve yourself ok." Wonho advised him kindly.

"Hey hey heeey! You all are already here.~"

"OH! Shownu brotha! Come here! I got some broccoli for you" Minhyuk called out as he waved a hand.

Kihyun turned around to see a tall well built young man pass by him and settled down besides Minhyuk. Almost immediately he took the broccolis from Minhyuk's plate one by one with his fork, scolding him gently. "Augghh~ Minhyuk how are you going to grow if you aren't eating your vegetables."

As he took the last one from Minhyuk's plate before he turned to Wonho who was still standing besides Kihyun, the broccoli midway into his mouth. "Ah right- Wonho-"

The senior paused as his gaze fell upon Kihyun. He blinked at him for a moment before he looked back at Wonho. "Who is he?"

"Him?" He patted Kihyun's shoulder firmly. "He's a new kid in Minhyuk's class."

Kihyun bowed down in greeting. "Hello, I'm Yoo Kihyun from Class B."

The seemingly oldest senior nodded. "Ahh~ I heard a bit about you as I was coming in. The new pretty boy." He looked at one of the boy on the table. "Hyungwon, it seems like you'll have a rival."

The one called Hyungwon looked up from his war with a pea and at Kihyun before chuckling with a slight hint of a jeer tangled with it. "Oh fuck not. I'm still the prettiest."

"I don't know bro. He seems pretty good looking enough to be your rival." A young looking boy peeped up.

"Changkyun! Come here!"

The boy quickly hid behind the fierce looking one besides him before Hyungwon could throw his spoon at him. "AHHH! Jooheon! He's going to kill me!"

Jooheon, who didn't took much of an interest at anything before, looked up and took a glance at Kihyun and he observed him for a moment from head to toe before shrugging and focusing back at his steak. "Not bad.~"

"HEY!" Hyungwon shouted in almost a whine.

The whole table bursted out laughing at Hyungwon who just stared at them helplessly.

The eldest senior chuckled a little bit before looking at the confused Kihyun. "Nice to meet you Kihyun-ah. I'm the Class President of third year Class A, Sohn Hyunwoo. Call me Shownu.~"

love song ; monsta x (shownu + kihyun)Where stories live. Discover now