I Can Be Your Hero, I Can Be Your Man

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Ever since they day in the music room, Shownu has seemed very quiet, usually looking into space at class. A week had passed since then and he has not spoken a word to Kihyun. It was clear that he was avoiding the younger male. At first it wasn't too bad, but it got worse as the day passed. He even went as far as automatically turning around as soon as he saw the junior. He even skipped lunch if Kihyun was sitting with the rest of Monsta X.

"Did I do something wrong perhaps?" He asked Minhyuk on lunch break, sipping his yogurt drink.

"Perhaps?" Minhyuk replied as he fixed his guitar. "I wouldn't be too worked up on it if I were you to be honest."

"Why not?"

"Well.." He looked up from his guitar and at the boy sipping his drink, blinking his wide, yet concerned, eyes at him. Minhyuk cleared his throat and looked away a bit. "You know.. Shownu doesn't get mad easily... I accidentally threw away his music sheet couple of times and he never once yelled at me." Minhyuk shifted nervously in his seat. "So don't worry about it and stop thinking about him, cool?"

Kihyun would tilt his head as he looked out at the field watching the team playing soccer. "Don't you think it's strange though? Ever since that day in the music room he started to talk less to me. How should I explain it... Cold? He's openly ignoring me.."

Minhyuk rubbed his guitar furiously with a towel to clean off a stain as if he was frustrated. "You two were never close to begin with."

"That is true.." Kihyun sighed. "It's too bad really.. I uhh- I kind of wanted to be close to him. He seems like a cool dude."

"Wonho is better don't you think?" Minhyuk muttered.

"Wonho? Ohh, Hyungwon will straight up murder me if I get close to him." Kihyun laughed.

Minhyuk chuckled half-heartedly as he focus to fuel his irritation on his guitar. Kihyun noticed him treating his precious guitar roughly and grabbed his hand. "Hey hey wait. God, how did you ever manage without me?" Kihyun sighed as he took the guitar from Minhyuk's lap and proceeded to clean it gently. "You gotta do it lightly or else it'll break."

Minhyuk stayed silent, watching him clean his guitar with his beautiful nimble fingers. "I knew that.." He mumbled after a few moments.


"N- nothing.." Minhyuk shook his head as Kihyun looked up at him from his guitar, questioningly.

Kihyun went back to polishing as he put his focus on it. Minhyuk watched him with a soft smile on his lips. "Hey, Kihyun. What do you look in a partner?"

Without looking up Kihyun replied, "You mean in a girlfriend?"

Minhyuk's heart sank a little but he quickly covered his hurt with a cheerful voice. "Y-yeah. What do you look in a girl?"

"Well~ I really don't know... Pretty? She got to be pretty, don't you think?" He chuckles as he looked up at Minhyuk.

He spread a smile on his face as Kihyun looked at him. "Of course. Pretty.. Yes."

"What about you Minhyuk?"

"Oh.. Me?" He scratched his head before muttering, "I haven't really thought about it.."

Kihyun chuckled as he lifted the guitar and handed it back to the guitarist. "I'm sure you'll find the right one soon. You're charming and hecking talented. It won't go to waste, trust me." Kihyun gave him a friendly pat before taking his empty drink, checking his watch. "Let's go back. It's about time the bell rings."

Minhyuk took hold of a piece of Kihyun's shirt. "Kihyun..."


"Kihyun... I uhh.. I.." Minhyuk stutters, struggling to say the simple words of I like you.

love song ; monsta x (shownu + kihyun)Where stories live. Discover now