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I tore my apron off and crashed on the seat in my bedroom. Another long day at the coffee shop, I sighed.

"Honey," I heard my mom call from the doorway "how was work?"

"Someone asked on a date again." I'm sure any other girl would be excited over the idea but-- not me.

"Oh, darling that's great," my mom smiled down at me "how was it?"

"I told him no," I sighed as I grabbed my nearby laptop. "I just wasn't interested," I was that weird type of girl that could consider men attractive but still didn't want to be with them.

"You just need to meet the right man, honey."


I'm 20 years old and the longest relationship I had was nearly four months.

I felt pathetic.

The only man I'd ever been with got bored of me after my first time. How could I face that mortification again? "I'm just not interested, momma."

"There's not a single man who caught your interest?"

There was one man, a thought popped into my head.

"No, no one."

Lies, something inside me hissed out of no where. I pushed the intrusive voice to the back of my head as I clicked the keys on my laptop.

"Okay sweetie," my mom said slowly in a way that let me know she thought I was insane or something. She glanced at the laptop on my desk and just politely shook her head in acceptance and exited the room.

I cringed at the thought of putting myself back out there again. I wasn't ready for another rejection. I wasn't ready to be the only one who had anything to lose. I'd much rather be alone and do everything on my own 

I was pretty dang sure I wouldn't be able to survive if the same heartbreak happened again.

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now