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I sat on the bedroom floor, lost in thought when someone walked into the room. "Little girl," the gruff stranger called from above me as he took his cane and sat down. Much like Corson, he was unbelievably attractive.

Why does everyone call me little girl, I hissed to myself. "Lord Corson told me you need to learn how to use your powers."

I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to dimension jump ever again.

"Don't fear, child," the stranger said, "transvectio doesn't always involve traveling to different dimensions."

It hit me within that moment "Corson can jump too. That's what he does with the shadows!" That's why he's always appearing and disappearing in front of her.

"Yes," the man smiled "you like the master?"

I--ahhh. Who is this person and why does he call Corson master???

"My name is Castor, little new born and yes, the king can jump as you call it."

"The king," I gasped as I looked up at Castor with a horrified expression.

"Yes," Castor eyed my reaction "you didn't know?"

"N-no," I shivered "king of what?"

"Of hell," Castor responded as though it was nothing, his eyes never left my face.

That demon is---

"Sooo, he's the devil?"

"Lucifer," Castor chuckled wildly "that's a bedtime story girl. Satan isn't a ruler of hell, he fights much bigger and more dangerous wars." He paused as he looked at my face, he was still shocked I didn't know. "Have you ever felt like you needed to bow in front of Corson, to run from him, submit to him," Castor asked with a raised brow.

"Yes." Oh crap.

"Hell is ruled by four Thrones for five kings. Corson is one of them and trust me, little girl. You will beg for mercy if you get on his bad side."

"His father gave up the throne," I wondered out loud and Castor began to crack up with laughter.

"He wasn't born sweetheart, he was made."

So confused.

"No one knows how or why but there are four thrones and one will always belong to Corson. His power is--- if you're smart, Proserpina you wouldn't anger him."

"I-I--," what am I?

"Don't worry about that now, now we practice."

Thrones of Hell *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now