4. Demonized

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I woke up in my bed. Familiar grey sheets encased me snuggly as I vaguely registered my mind's command to sit up.

Ohmygosh it was just a dream. I thanked whatever being had saved me from the fiery inferno of my nightmares.

"Hello, doll," a male's voice echoed. In the darkness all I could see was chocolate-crimson eyes lit by a startling ring of glowing gold.

I know that voice?!

"W-who are you," I stammered as I backed toward the end of my bed and away from the stranger in my room.

"Come now, little doll. Don't be like that," the monster chuckled in the darkness. The sound made me panic even more.

"I'll scream," I threatened, my mom was in the other room.

"No one will hear you," the creature snarled and revealed rows of pointed and jagged teeth. That's when it clicked, oh my god, it can't be.

Run. Run. Run. Run.

"I wouldn't if I was you," the creature snarled again "terrible things will happen."

"W-why are you here," I sobbed loudly.

"I delivered you from your painful death," it smirked "and returned you to your dimension. You owe me, little bird."

"My d-dimension," I gasped. This man must be INSANE. "That was just a dream," I argued loudly.

"Your traveling has really gotten out of hand. You managed to get yourself cursed and caused a bit of trouble for me, doll. That's what led me to you, the flames will continue until I break the sorcerer's curse. "

"Stop calling me that," I yelled as I experienced a very brief burst of energy. "What the heck are you talking about," sorcerers? What's next? Vampires and mermaids?

"Be silent, little one or i'll cut that tongue out," he growled as me moved closer to me. That's clearly his favorite threat, I somehow managed to think.

The creature had its hand in my hair before I could stop it. He yanked my head to one side and carefully ran his tongue over my neck.


"You'll learn to enjoy my claiming, little love" he chuckled evilly as a hand ran down my back.

"W-what do you want?"

"That should be obvious," he hissed.


"I want your soul," he grinned as he flashed a his sharp teeth again.

I was dangerously close to a panic attack.

"M-my soul," I gasped, horrified. "Y-you're a demon!"

"Ding, ding, ding," the dark creature chuckled "I should give you a prize, little bird, but I won't," he laid back on the bed and used his arms to prop him up. "So what do you say, love?"

"Go to hell," I spat. It was proabably the most unlady like thing I had ever said but I couldn't stop myself. I tried to stand up and run out of the room, the very thing the demon told me not to.

As soon as my feet touched the floor I felt the flames burning my skin. I cried out in pain and crumbled to the floor.

Not again, please not again. God no, I prayed as I laid helpless. Suddenly the demon was crouched before me, his hand cupping my face and raising me up. The pain of the flames faded as he put his hands on me.

"I am your god, Proserpina." A god I can't see the face of, i huffed to myself.

How does he know my birth name?

"Ahh, they call you Phoebe now, don't they?"

What doesn't he know?

"Well, I will not. You are Proserpina, and you will give me your soul." His eyes burned like the flames that swallow me whole just moments before "or you will suffer."

Gloved hands came into the light before me.

The demon snapped his fingers once and the flames ranged inside of me. They burned on my skin and left me in a heap of exhaustion and pain. Going to die if this continues, I thought to myself.

"S-stop," I sobbed "I'll give you what you want." I staggered closer to him and thew my hands around his chest for support. My chest heaving as I attempted to breathe through the pain. He was so close I could feel his warmth, it was as hot as the flames but not painful.

For some odd reason I wanted more.

"I will fear--," I began but he cuts me off with a snarl that was so fierce it sent me crashing to the floor.

The demon stood above me his eyes flaming with rage again "try praying one more pathetic time and I will tear your tongue from you mouth you, pathetic human girl."

I don't think he's kidding anymore, a shiver went through me. I stood up before him, it took everything I had.

"Say the words," commanded.


"Say the words or this time I'll let you burn."

"No," I cried louder as I pushed myself away from him and tumbled back on the bed.

Within seconds the demon was on me yet again. God I hated being touched.

This strange growl reverberated through the air. He pushed his hips against my own, he obviously knew how much I didn't like physical contact since my last boyfriend.

"Say the words and I'll give you your every desire," he smirked like a normal human male.

"And what's that," I asked breathlessly as a wave of pure desire slashed through me. I was shocked I could still feel anything after what Travis, my ex, had done to me. I stared at the shadowed figure in shock.

"A man who can take care of you. A man who would move hell and earth for you. A man who would destroy heaven and all its angels to be by your side."

The shadows that previously concealed his face disappear and revealed a truth that made my stomach drop.

Cliff hanger! Sorry guys don't be mad at me. What do you think of the story so far? What do you think our Phoebe will do? Who do you think the true demon is?

Thanks for reading :) love you guys❤️

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