The Prisoner of the Spell

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Sonic looked down at his hands, his palms were giant, and his nails were long and sharp. He touched his face and looked up at the woman still there. He felt something in his throat and yelled, but it came out as a roar, " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!?"

The woman looks down at him and says calmly," I changed you into what you are."

Sonic opened his mouth to say something but stopped and looked behind him. His servants he had to know what happened to his servants.As he turned around, he was baffled by what his eyes laid upon. Silver slowly opened his eyes as he felt weird all over, and his love called his name. As he opened his eyes, he saw his darling. But she was different. She looked like a feather duster. He soon touched her face " B-Blaze was..? My darling..?" He says as he then looks at his hands. He felt a worrying shock go through him. His hands weren't there anymore; they were candles now. Blaze was staring at him as her mouth hung open " S-Silver.... My darling Silver..." her voice was still the same, but she choked up slightly.

Vanilla slowly opened her eyes to the sound of her young child " m-mother?" Vanilla looked down to see a teacup; she panicked slightly " C-Cream?" She tried to reach out to her, but her arms were gone. The tiny teacup looked up to see a teapot. The little cup made a whimpering sound " M-mama.... what happened..? Why can't I feel my feet..? Or my hands..?" Vanilla's mouth hung open as she had to watch her poor child cry. Vanilla hopped over to her little one trying to comfort her " my dear child, please calm down... mothers here.."

Sonic looked around his servants. Knuckles tried standing up now as his body made a ticking sound. He was now a clock. Knuckles looks at his once-fit body as a chubby mechanical ticking clock. Soon, each of his servants looked up at him, their eyes worried and filled with fear. Sonic gulped, and his eyes widened, looking at all of his servants again. Stormel and his wife Holly weren't in the room; there was now a grand piano. Sonic looked up at the woman " Where are my other two servants?? Stormel and Holly." He says with a growl. The woman looked down at him and said, " Stormel is here, but Holly is now upstairs.." her voice was now a bit ghostly.

Sonic looks behind his shoulder again, seeing the piano starting to move. Soon it spoke, " H-Holly? Where is my wife??" His voice was a bit startled. The woman stares at him and shakes her head " I'm sorry I had to separate you and your wife... " The piano went quiet. Sonic looked at him as his head turned back to the woman. She was looking at him " you have found 7 of your servants.... have fun trying to find your last one.." she says as a smirk grows on her face. Sonic tilts his head as he thinks. He named off all of them in his head Silver, Blaze, Knuckles, Cream, Vanilla, Stormel, Holly, and... That's when it hits him. Chip was gone. His most trusty and loyal servant. He looked around to see what was else he could've turned into anything. Soon looking back at the woman, " What have you done to him??" He says as she tilts her head and soon looks down at the floor. Sonic followed her gaze and saw the rose and a mirror lying next to it.

Sonic looks up at her " that doesn't answer my question," he says. She stares at him " I don't need to answer your question..... you have to find him on your own" Sonic stares at her in disbelief. He then takes a deep breath " how am I supposed to break this curse?" He asks, trying to sound calm. She stares at him as she raises her hand. The rose started to float in the air along with the mirror." This rose is not ordinary. It is truly an enchanted rose. The only way to break this spell I cast upon you is to find someone who can get past your looks, genuinely love who you are on the inside, and you to love her in return. The spell will be broken." She says. Sonic stares and watches the flower. Sonic looks up again " What do the mirror and the rose have to do with all of this?" He asks as he is a bit confused. " The mirror is like a window; you can look out into the outside world and see who you desire. But the rose, on the other hand, is much more important. If you don't find someone to love you before the petal falls, you will remain a beast for all eternity." Sonic felt his heart stop. Felt like time paused, he shook his head " how long do I have?" He asks, his voice sounding concerned. The woman only stared at Sonic " I wish you luck...prince." She says as she slowly fades away.

Sonic watched her as he yelled, " Wait!" But she was already gone. He felt anger filling him as he growled softly. He starts running towards his room, his servants trying to catch up. Sonic held on to the mirror and the rose. As he reached the floor of his room, he stopped. Turning his head to see a painting of himself. He felt rage boiling inside him. He stretched out one of his hands and Clawed his nails where his face was, ripping the artwork in all directions. The painting was a mess now; his once face was now destroyed.

The servants finally made it up to his floor, some trying to catch their breath. Blaze gasped as she saw the painting, and when all the rest noticed it, they froze. Slowly each one of them looked to their now sobbing master. Cream was hiding behind her mother as she slowly hoped toward Sonic. She stops just in front of his foot" M-Mr. Sonic..?" Sonic had his hand over his eyes. Once he heard the little girl's voice, he moved his hand and looked down at her. Cream looks up at him. "Are we going to be okay...?" She asks as he wipes his tears and says," I think not, dear child...I have cursed you all... and now...I guess I should start getting used to being what I am.... a beast.."As Sonic says this, the spell the woman cast was starting to spread throughout his kingdom. Snow was beginning to cover the grass and the paths. The trees starting to have ice dangle on their branches. Even though it was around his kingdom. The spell reached the village, and they were all down to sleep. The magic haunted their dreams, erasing the memories of there even being a kingdom, servants, or even a prince.

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