Bitter Cold

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Puffs of cold air comes from Shadows lips, as he was running down a hidden trail.
His mind running through his thoughts. All of this started out of nowhere, a trail that lead him to danger.
The beginning of this dangerous journey started was him getting ready to head out, saying his goodbyes to his daughter.
It started out peaceful, he watched the sun raise turn to different colors. But, as he got deeper into the forest, but oddly enough he didn't remember this trail or ever going down this trail. He looks around as they slowly strolled down the dusted path.
It was a hot morning for the morning, Shadow had to pull his collar a bit to get some air to cool down. As he rode down the path, he felt something crawl down his skin. He looks at his arm to see goosebumps. An eyebrow raised as he felt a cold wind blew in his face. Shadow froze a bit, even his horse stopped. Both staring down the path that seemed to get darker.
The horse tried to go around, but Shadow refused " No no let's go this way!" He says as the horse winced a bit. but it obeyed.
They continued down the road, it getting darker and darker. Shadow started to squint. The cold wind still blowing around. Soon the darkness started to fade. As a white glow started to shine. Shadow shields his eyes a bit, his eyes than widen as he noticed what was the bright glow. It was fresh white snow, Shadow eyes look all over. His mind fascinated and confused. " Winter..? In the summer..?" He asked himself as they continued.
The horse than stops, its head looking to the left than to the right. Shadow raised an eyebrow " Fawn? What's wrong with.." he than pauses as he heard something howl.
Shadow head looks around as he than says in a panic " Go! " as Fawn started running down the trail.  Shadow holding on to the ropes as he heard something behind them. He turns his head to see three or four gray wolves chasing after them.
The horse was speeding now as the growls and howls from the wolves startled him, making the wagon becoming loose, shadow felt it wiggling around underneath him. In great action Shadow jumped from the wagon and on to Fawn. Hearing a yelp and a crash. Looking behind him, he saw the wagon on two wolves. Three still chasing them.
Shadow held on to Fawn, his heart pounding against his chest. Than he felt something tug on to his cloak, making him gasp for air. Struggling he gets the blasted cloak off, grabbing Fawn once again trying to hold on.

Shadow than looks behind him to see that the wolves suddenly have disappeared, he pants a bit as his heart was still pounding hard " O-okay... Fawn.. I think we're sa-!" At that same moment he felt Fawn buck him off, the horse running off down the trail. Seeing the three wolves after Fawn.
Shadow gets up and brushes the snow off his shirt. He looks around as trying to figure out where to escape. His eyes scan the area, something than caught his eye. A trail that looked hidden, without hesitation he bolts down the trail, nearly tripling over his own feet a bit.
Shadow than stops for a moment to catch his breath, he listens to the wind blow hoping to hear Fawn somewhere, but there was no luck. Shadow peaked his head up to the trail in front of him. Slowly walking down the trail, soon he stopped. His eyes widen as what he saw. A beautiful castle that was covered by snow.

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