The Rotten Truth

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The sun started to peek through the trees as the morning came. In the shadows of the pink and orangish color, Amy was waving to someone in the distance. A hand waving back to her. A grin was laid on the maidens face as she saw her father leaving to sell his goods and priceless merchandise.
Amy stood there with her hands folded in front of her as her father disappeared in the distanced.
A soft sigh comes from her lips as the sun came up. Soon she turns around, walking toward her house.

An hour later, Amy opens the front door. Taking a deep breath as she started to walk out, she held a basket that looked to seen a better day. Amy strolls to the back of her home, where a little garden sat with carrots, cabbage, and other kinds of vegetables. Amy stood in front of the little gate it was guarded by. 
She unlocks the gate and steps in. She carefully walks around the vegetables making sure not to step on any of them.
She goes down looking through garden, pulling out weeds or pulling out what could go into the house.
As Amy inspects one of the veggies, a tall shadow cast over her. She pauses a bit as she hears a voice that almost makes her gag.
" Why hello little maiden.... Are you from this garden..? Because I'd love to pick you.." the voice taunts. Amy looks up to see a green hedgehog, she than jerks her head up turning it away " What age you doing here Scrooge?" She asks in a stern voice.
Scrooge grins as he stares down at her, looking over her figure. He leans on the gate a bit " Oh I just wanted to see the most beautiful rose in the garden..... and ask you a important question..." he says in a smooth voice.
Amy keeps looking away as she rolls her eyes a bit " What is this question?" She asks sternly again. Scrooge grins as he than looks to his hand " Well it's kinda obvious... you're beautiful... I'm handsome... so I came here to ask you..." He says.
Amy felt his hand grab her arm, pulling her to him. His finger than laid underneath her chin, a devilish grin forming his lips " You become that little beautiful wife.....that is always wrapped around my arm.... and have little ones roam around the floor..." he says gently. " Wouldn't that be amazing?" He asks gently.

Amy listens to what he has to say, her eyes slowly widening. Her heart stopping a bit as she froze. Scrooge waiting for an answer, Amy than jerked away from him. Turning her head away from him. Marry him? She thought. Soon a small thought came to her mind, her eyes looking to her basket.

Amy than turned her head to look at him with a kind smile " Oh Scrooge.... that sounds amazing...Come here... I have a little something for you," she says. Walking up to him, leaning up to him.
Scrooge watches her as he than leans down. His eyes closing, his lips peeking up a bit. As he waited for the gentle kiss, he was instead greeted by a mushy and a rotten smell that made his eyes pop open. He jumps back to see a rotten tomato that was pressed to his lips, Amy's arm goes up and chucks the moldy produce. That gushes all over his face.
Scrooge wipes his face and looks up, ready to yell. But he closes his mouth seeing Amy having a tomato in hand already.
Amy tosses the tomato up and down into her palm " If you don't want this in your face in five seconds... you better start running." She says sternly. Scrooge's eyes widen a bit as he turns and bolts. Scrooge than trips on his own feet, face planting into the dirt. But he scrambles to his feet as he heard Amy running toward him, yelling " Go!! I don't know why you think I'll ever marry you!! The only time I ever will think that is you saving my life!!" She yells. Throwing the moldy tomato , it splashing to the ground.

Amy stares out in the distance, her face red as she walked toward her house. She places the basket down in the front porch. Looking out to where her father had left this morning. Soon in a soft voice " I'm not ready to be someone's wife.... I want to travel... I want to explore the world..... I want... I want my own adventure..." she says softly, her voice trailing off.
Soon looking up out into the meadow, her mind going to her father. Wondering how he is. Thinking he was humming his joyful tunes or talking to himself. But really.... his feet were running across a trail that looked to be abandoned. Wolves howling after him, his eyes filled with fear.

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