Flyers Around Town

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Little note; this will be in third person the whole book but it will change who it is following

❤️ is Fell

💚 is Sci

💔 is Geno

💀is Reaper

💤is Dream

X is Cross (couldn't find an emoji)

♥️is Nightnare

🔪is Killer

🖌️is Ink

E is Error (Couldn't find an Emoji)

Okay got that down? Let's gooooo!

"Ms. Blank you sure you want to host this contest?" Her assistant asked, worried that Blank wouldn't have any Sans join.

"Don't worry Fretia! We'll GET MILLIONS OF SANS'!! Now Open the window get the fan blowing!" Blank said. Fretia nodded and did what Blank said sending the Flyers across town.


Sci scurried home from work. I hate everyone there.... I hope I can get a better job... maybe I can be a Singer and show my talent! But Dad, he doesn't approve of that. Back to the drawing board. He thought to himself. Then in all of a sudden a flyer smacked his face. He grumbled and grabbed it.

He read aloud the flyer. " 'A contest for all Sans'! A singing competition to get your voice out there! FIVE winners only! Each get a MILLION dollars!! ' I'm IN!! He ran home smiling to himself. He'll show his Dad what is really worth.


Fell grumbled to himself, throughing lyrics in the trash. No that doesn't sound good...

"FELL TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!! OR YOU WILL BE SLEEPING OUTSIDE TONIGHT!!" Underfell Papyrus yelled at Fell to get the lazy guy outside for once.

Fell replied with; "GOT IT!" and got up from his desk and got all the trash bags in the house. Geez I need to move out of here... He sighed knowing it will never happen.

He took the trash out and was gonna head back inside but he saw a yellow paper stuck in the bushes. Fell picked it up and read it;


Will you be the lucky winner?

Go to Blank Theater on Sang Street'

Fell stared at the prize money. He wanted freedom from his brother... and that money could grant that.


Reaper smiled lazily after the movie was over. The lovely Skeleton right next to him yawned. "Reaper. That was COMPLETELY boring. Why'd you waste your money on that?!"

"To see your face my dear Geno~" Reaper flirted as they exited the theater, getting a punch in the face.


"To be honest I read the books and I thought the movie might be as interesting." Reaper said, chuckling at Geno's reaction.

"Obviously you were wrong!" Geno huffed.

Reaper saw something on the ground, "Geno, looks like somebody littered." He said as he picked it up.

Geno peered over Reaper's shoulder. "I'm gonna join!" He said.

"Looks like your gonna lose, cause I'm joining!"

"There is five winners." Reaper pointed out.

"So?" Geno laughed. "Okay I seriously gotta go, so bye Reaper!"

"Bye Geno." Reaper waved going home.


Ink just started singing and painting, completely forgetting Dream was in the room painting with him. Once he finished a song Dream started clapping making Ink's face flush.

"You should come to this can see if you can win!" Dream said pulling out a flyer from Blank's theater. "I'm going, but I know you are gonna win for sure!"

Ink smiled. "Yeah I'll join!"

The two talked as they painted, hoping they would win the contest!


Nightmare, Error, Cross, and Killer where laughing and talking in a park. Then they all noticed people holding all these yellow flyers... especially Sans'. Error walked up to one, they didn't hear what he was saying but he managed to get someone to hand over their flyer and the continued walking.

"Nice dude, now what does it say."

After the all of them read it. "No way we are gonna do that, it's too girly!" Nightmare said, but in he thought to himself I am gonna do it!!


Little did they know they would win someones heart at that competition

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